Questions on Buying&Licensing:

  • How can i pay?

    You can buy the software using a variety of payment methods through an online store.
    The order process is protected via a secure connection and makes on-line ordering quick and safe.

    • Credit Card
    • PayPal
    • Webmoney
    • Wire Transfer
    • Check
    • American Express
    • Alipay
    • Purchase Order
    • Full list of Payment Methods
    • The most plugins have a volume discount.
    • VAT information can be found in the shopping cart.
    • All prices shown here are listed in USD (United States Dollar).
    • You can switch to any other currencies during the checkout process.
    • You can see the exact cost of buying on the checkout page.
    • Refund Policy for Kstudio products:
      If you are not satisfied and unhappy with plugin or if you can’t use it for some reason, 
      you can request a refund within two weeks of product purchase. 
      We will provide refunds to any reasonable request.

    If you have any problems, contact us at

    Applicable to:

  • Installation and Reception of License Key

    • Download the archive with the plugin
    • Unpack the archive
    • Open 3ds Max application
    • To install an MZP file in 3ds Max, you can use one of the following methods
      • Drag and Drop Method:
      • – Simply drag the MZP file from your file explorer and drop it into the 3ds Max viewport.
      • Using Menu:
      • – Go to the “Scripting” menu and select “Run Script.”
      • – Navigate to the location of your MZP file, select it, and press “Open.”
    • The installation will be automatically started
    • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation
    • Generate the identification file, if you are the official client and you need a new license
    • In the 3ds max menu “Customize”>> “Customize User Interface”>> Category “Kstudio” choose the plugin and drag it to the Panel of the Instruments

    • Download the archive with the plugin
    • Unpack the archive
    • Double-click the downloaded installer to install the plugin.

    • Install the “Fusion“, “Sweep PRO” or free version of the plugin “Sweep Profile
    • Unpack the archive with
    • Drag the “Install Sweep-Profile Shapes.mzp” into the 3ds Max viewport
    • Start the plugin (Fusion or Sweep Pro) and choose the directory with shapes on the top list of the plugin
    • By default mouldings are installed by path “%localappdata%/Kstudio/Sweep-Profile Shapes/”

    You must be logged in to download the full version.
    * Applicable to official customers only

    Run the 3ds Max

    Choose the menu-item “Activation” from the main 3ds Max menu “Project Manager” or from the plugin menu “Help”

    Select the most suitable activation type

    • Run the 3ds Max
    • Run Sweep PRO plugin
    • An activation dialog will appear

    Select the most suitable activation type

    • Run the 3ds Max
    • Create the Fusion/Spline Flow/…/Add the Modifier..
    • To create an object, choose the Kstudio Category in the Create section on the Command Panel
      Fusion - create
    • Create the object in the viewport and switch to the Modify tab
    • Open the License rollout at the bottom and press the button License
      Fusion- Apply License
    • An activation dialog will appear

    Select the most suitable activation type

    Insert the activation key received in the letter and click the button “Apply License”

    Activate plugin

    Note: Internet connection is required to use activation keys

    If you have a problem with this activation type, use the second method – using identification file

    Press the button “Generate identification file”

    Upload identification file to dashboard

    Download the license key

    Press the button “Apply License” and

    Choose the downloaded license key

    Kstudio plugins are used by freelancers as well as in studios of different sizes – from several employees to hundreds.

    This feature simplifies the deployment of numerous installations into a large network.

    This instruction applicable only for Project Manager

    I recommend paying attention to utilities such as PsExec and PowerShell – with their help you can install the 3dsMax plug-ins and apply the license keys in a batch mode.


    1. Download and extract the archive
    2. Copy the ZIP archive with the full version of the plugin into one folder with “AutoInstallStart.bat”
    3. Open “AutoInstallStart.bat” and uncomment/add a valid path to 3dsMax.exe
    4. Write activation keys to the file “ActivationActivationKeys.txt”
    5. Run “AutoInstallStart.bat” using PsExec/PowerShell or manually on each computer
    Download example:

    You can use a single identification file to obtain licenses for various plugins.
    For instance, you can generate an identification file for Project Manager and use it also in the slot for generating a license for Spline Flow

    How to Distinguish Between the Full and the Demo Version You Downloaded and Installed?

    Before activation, do not forget to install the full version of the plugin
    (the title shouldn’t contain the word Demo)

    To determine if you have downloaded and installed the full version or the demo version, here are some key points to consider:

    1. Activation: The demo version cannot be activated. If you have downloaded the demo version, activation will not be possible.
    2. File Name: The archive containing the demo version will include the word “Demo” in its name.
    3. Installation and Launch: During installation or when launching the plugin, the demo version will display the word “Demo” next to the logo.
    4. Full Version: If there is no “Demo” label on the logo, but you see the “Demo” label over files, it means you have the full version which requires a license key for activation.

    Full Version
    Full Version
    Demo Version
    Demo Version

    Note: Please use the latest updates for your version of 3ds Max
    3ds Max Updates & Service Packs

    See Also:

  • Does it possible to use one license on more than one computer?

    Each license can be used only on one computer. But a special offer is available – one Free license and Volume discounts.

    A special offer is available – you can get one free additional license upon first purchase.
    Also available are volume discounts for most products.

  • How to use licenses across multiple computers?

    Receiving licenses:

    Updating the existing license to new (for example after changing/upgrading a computer ) a very simple:
    Each user can update the license by themselves without bothering an administrator.
    All that he needs – this is a previous license key.

    1. Open the “Registration Dialog
    2. Click the “Move License” button.
    3. Choose from the opened window the license file which used previously.
    4. The request for the transferring will be automatically sent to the server and updated immediately **.

    License Server support will be added after the releasing of the 3rd version.

    * Please use your permanent e-mail box (same as you use at purchasing).
    You can always restore the password on the page Restore password.

    ** Only if a license upgrade is rare.

    Upload the id-files using the dashboard
    Upload the id-files using the dashboard
    License Dialog
    License Dialog

  • Is license perpetual?

    Access to the licenses is time-unlimited. All updates from version x.0 to x.5 and from version x.5 to the next major version are included.
    Upgrades to new versions are available at discounts ranging from 10% to 35%; earlier upgrades yield greater discounts.
    Licenses acquired less than a year prior to the launch of a new version are eligible for a complimentary upgrade.
    Additionally, after upgrading all primary licenses, any Free Additional License will also be updated for free.

  • How to update or transfer the license to another computer?

    You can update your license using one from multiple methods.
    Select the most suitable transferring type:

      1. Run the “Registration”* tool and click the “Move License” button*.
        Choose from the opened window the license file that you used previously.
        The request for transferring will be automatically sent to the server.
        Your license will be updated immediately. (Only if you are upgrading the license is rare)
      2. Run the “Registration” tool and click “Generate ID-File” button*.
        Login and send the identification file using the dashboard.
        During one hour you receive the new license.

    *Find it on the plugin’s menu “Help” => “Activation”.
    *Start on the computer, on which you plan to use the plugin.
    Please use your permanent e-mail box (same as you use at purchasing).
    You can always restore your password on this page – Restore password.

    License Dialog

    Updating the license-key on the dashboard page

    1. Select license for upgrading and turn on the checkbox
    2. Add the generated id file
    3. Press the button “Send request for update selected license-key(s)”
    4. Type the reason for upgrading
    5. Press the button “Send request”

  • What will happen with the license key when I reinstall my operating system?

    You can continue using your license key.
    In case if your license won’t be work you can send a request for the new license.
    Before reinstalling the system or formatting open the Project Manager.
    Select item “Backup settings” in the menu “Help” and save all settings for PM on the non-system disk.

  • Can I upgrade my license of “FilePatFinder” (or another) to “Project Manager”?

    Please contact us if you want an upgrade your license to “Project Manager”:
    Request for an upgrade.

  • Is available the academic discounts?

    We are excited to offer an exclusive 50% discount to all students and educators on our Kstudio plugins for 3ds Max.
    Whether you’re mastering the art of 3D modeling or teaching it, our tools are designed to enhance your creative process.

    Academic License Details:
    – The academic version of Kstudio is fully identical to our commercial products.
    – To purchase at the discounted rate, please provide proof of your academic status.
    – The academic license is strictly for non-commercial use.

    Student Licensing Terms:
    – Student licenses are issued for a two-year term.
    After (or during) this period, students have two options to continue using their plugin:
    1. Extend the license for an additional fee of 40% of the original purchase price.
    2. Refer a friend who also buys a plugin, either the same or a higher-priced model.

    – Upon successful extension, either through payment or referral, the license will be upgraded to allow commercial use.
    Additionally, this upgrade qualifies you for a free additional license under our ‘Free Additional License‘ offer.

    Bring a Friend – Extend for Free!
    – Extend your license without extra cost by referring another student who purchases a plugin.
    Not only do you benefit, but you also help your friends get started with professional-grade tools.

    For more information or to request your academic discount, please contact us at

    Please note that the ‘Free Additional License‘ offer does not apply to the student version.
    However, once upgraded to a commercial license, users are eligible for a free additional license.

    Before we can fulfill your order, we require proof of qualification or studies to get academic discounting on Kstudio plugins for 3Ds Max.

  • What’s the difference between the demo and the full version?

    The demo version of Project Manager allows working only with a limited number of files.
    You can’t select items with the label “Demo”.
    The demo version of Batch Render&Relink doesn’t allow to relink files and render only part of files in the low resolution.

    Demo version limitation

    How to Distinguish Between the Full and the Demo Version You Downloaded and Installed?

    To determine if you have downloaded and installed the full version or the demo version, here are some key points to consider:

    1. Activation: The demo version cannot be activated. If you have downloaded the demo version, activation will not be possible.
    2. File Name: The archive containing the demo version will include the word “Demo” in its name.
    3. Installation and Launch: During installation or when launching the plugin, the demo version will display the word “Demo” next to the logo.
    4. Full Version: If there is no “Demo” label on the logo, but you see the “Demo” label over files, it means you have the full version which requires a license key for activation.

    Full Version
    Full Version
    Demo Version
    Demo Version
  • Simplified deployment: silent mode installation and creation identification files

    Kstudio plugins are used by freelancers as well as in studios of different sizes – from several employees to hundreds.

    This feature simplifies the deployment of numerous installations into a large network.

    I recommend paying attention to utilities such as PsExec and PowerShell – with their help you can install the 3dsMax plug-ins and apply the license keys in a batch mode.


    1. Download and extract the archive
    2. Copy the ZIP archive with the full version of the plugin into one folder with “AutoInstallStart.bat”
    3. Open “AutoInstallStart.bat” and uncomment/add a valid path to 3dsMax.exe
    4. Write activation keys to the file “ActivationActivationKeys.txt”
    5. Run “AutoInstallStart.bat” using PsExec/PowerShell or manually on each computer

    Note: Internet connection is required to use activation keys

    Download example:

    See Also:

General questions on Using the Project Manager:

  • Is there a way to add multiple folders at once?!

    It is simple!
    Select multiple folders in Windows Explorer and drag them on “Project Manager” treeview panel.

  • How to relink and collect maps for 3D Models to their corresponding local maps folder?

    Batch Relink and Collect maps for 3D Models

    Just use “Batch Render&Relink” tool for this. Batch Render&Relink shipped with Project Manager.

    Turn on the option “Batch-Search&Collect“, and “Collect files…” if you want to collect assets. (4)

    Use “Fast mode” for relinking maps in 3ds max files without opening each file. Use this option if your scenes saved in 3ds max 2010 or above and used plugins support this capability. For example, Maxwell renderer doesn’t allow relink assets without opening a 3ds max scene. (5)

    For collecting maps to one directory with model set the “Collect path” to <FilePath> and “Map Folder” to <FileName>. Also, you can specify an absolute path to the directory and map folder like “C:\Models” and “Maps”. (2)

    Specify directories with models in the list at top (1) and set directories for searching assets in the list “Search Directories: ” (3)

    See also related articles on 3d-kstudio:

    And videos:

  • How to switch between high/low resolution version of the 3ds max scene

    Using Project Manager you can change your models and textures to lower resolution versions.

    For example, you can use the next scheme:

    Place low-poly models and textures to a directory called “low-poly” and hi-poly to another directory – “hi-poly”.

    Find&Replace Links

    For switching between high-res/low assets use the function “Find-Replace” what present in the Project Manage functionality.

    Just open Project Manager and type “/low-poly/” to the field “Find” and “/hi-poly/” to the field “Replace”. Press the Apply button.

    This will replace all links to scene assets to high-res.

    Replace links in 3ds Max

    Also, you can relink only selected assets – just select desired links in the list and choose in the context-menu the menu-item “Set path”

    Specify the path to high-res/low assets.

    Of course, models should be placed as xRef or Proxy.

    Specify asset paths in 3ds Max

    Convert & Resize Images

    Also Project Manager from version 3.11.45 supports to resize image files. You can use this functionality to resize your images to lower resolution.

    Convert & Resize Images using Project Manager

    Replace 3D Models

    For replacing non-xRef to another (high/low) use the Replace 3D Model functionality.

    Please see this video.

  • How to Archive 3Ds Max files and Material Libraries with Assets in the Batch mode

    Batch Archiving

    Project Manager since version 3.17.26 allows you to batch archive 3ds Max files and Material Libraries with all assets.

    This is an extremely useful feature for backing up your projects and models, transferring data to another location, or rendering on a render-farm, such as RebusFarm.

    Just run the “Batch Render&Relink*”, add a folder (folders) or some 3ds Max files or a material library, specify the folder where you want the data stored, and shortly you will have all the archives ready.

    *Applicable to the 3ds Max utility “Batch Render&Relink” and Windows application “Batch Relink
    The utility “Batch Render&Relink” which shipped with Project Manager and FilePathFinder PRO.
    Also, you can acquire “Batch Render&Relink” as a separate tool

    1. Add files/directories for archiving 3d files with assets
    2. Specify the path to store archives (supports full and relative paths)
    3. Turn on the Batch Asset Tracking option
    4. Turn on the Search&Relink option (optionally)
    5. Turn on the Fast Mode (recommended, optionally)
    6. Run the process by pressing the START button
    Batch Archive 3ds Max files and Material Libraries with all assets

    The archives will, of course, contain the source files for the scenes and materials. When opening a scene from the archive on another computer, all links will remain valid, because the links during archiving are made using relative paths.

    Before archiving, you can use Search&Relink option to search for missing links, if necessary.

    Batch Render&Relink- Search&Relink

    For the target folder, you can specify both full and relative paths. For the latter, use <FilePath> and <FileName> masks.

    Batch Archive - Full & Relative paths

    PS. Previously, this feature was only available with the Project Manager API
    With Project Manager, you can write scripts expanding the features of the plugin in a way that you specifically need for your tasks.
    This makes Project Manager incredibly flexible and you can always, if necessary, tailor it to your everyday needs or even to the needs of a particular project.

  • Is it possible to display all content of the directory?

    Of course!
    Use the filter button on the panel.
    Asset Files Filter

  • Is it possible to customize file types for displaying/hide them by default?

    3D Models: add new extension to Filter by file-type
    Filter 3D Models

    You can hide file types from the list on the “Models” and “Textures” tabs.
    The way this option works varies slightly on these tabs.

    On the Models tab, this option applies to all folders. Also on the Models tab, you can add new file types that will be displayed in the default list. To disable any filters for models, click on the button.

    On the Textures tab, you can only turn on/off file types from the list, which only affects the active folder. This filter is saved and will be applied the next time as well.

    Filter Textures
    Filter Textures
  • How I can Add a New Material to the Material Library?

    You can save material to the Material Library just by dragging the material from Standart or Slate Material Editor
    directly to the Material Library that opened in the Project Manager:

    Or save material to the Material Library using Copy/Paste method:

    Copy/Paste Material

    Also you can use the buttons on the panel

    Save Materials from Selection and from Material Editor
  • Is it possible to Replace Materials with Project Manager?

    Choose a material with which you wish to replace a scene material.
    Copy it (CTRL + C) or from the context menu item “Copy”.
    Go to the catalog “Scene Materials” and select the material you want to replace.
    (To quickly find the material in the scene, you can use a >>filter)
    Choose in the context menu the item “Replace Material”.

  • Does it possible to export the list of the missing maps to file?

    You can export the list of the missing maps to file using the menu-item “Make Summary Report” from menu “Tools”.
    Asset Explorer - Export the list of the missing maps to file

  • How to find what material/object contains a missing texture map?

    It’s simple using Project Manager or FilePathFinder.

    Select desired files into the list and press one from buttons on top panel for placing dependent material, texture map to Material Editor or select objects.
    Using panel on bottom you can filter files by status or by depending to selected objects.

    Find materials with missing files

  • Why Material Previews Aren’t Showing Up and How to Fix It?

    If you are experiencing issues with material previews not showing up in Project/Materials Manager, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

    Step 1:

    Uncheck ‘Disable Interactive Rendering for Materials’

    One common reason material previews might not show up is because interactive rendering is disabled for materials.
    To resolve this, open the menu Customize and ensure that the ‘Disable Interactive Rendering for Materials’ option is unchecked.
    This should allow your material previews to render interactively.
    (This option is also available in the plugin’s Preferences settings)

    Step 2:

    Check Compatibility With Active Renderer

    Another crucial step is to ensure that the active renderer you are using is compatible with the materials. Different renderers have varying levels of compatibility with materials, so it’s essential to verify this in your software settings. Some renderers may require specific configurations to display material previews correctly.

    Step 3:

    Render Preview for Materials

    If your material previews still aren’t showing up, consider rendering thumbnails for your materials.
    Use the option “Render Thumbnails” to rendering previews for selected materials immediately, or “Add to Batch Render” to rendering preview using the Batch Render&Relink utility later.

    This option is not available for the scene materials

    Render Preview for Materials - Project Manager
    Render Preview for Materials - Project Manager
  • Where find the option to preview images in the 3rd version?

    The option for choosing the default viewer for images in the associated application is moved to Project Manager menu above the address bar.


    View Image in associated application or 3ds Max viewer

    Project Manager viewport

    Also 3rd version allows viewing any type of asset in a separate window. Whether is it an image, an HDRI file, a 3D FBX file, 3DS, BVH or IES file – any of these files you can view in high resolution in a separate window. The file in the window is updated when you change the file selection in the list. You can also save the selected view for a 3D file into the file’s gallery.
    To opening a file in a separate window, find a related option on the menu or use the SPACEBAR key.

    Project Manager - 3rd version with a lot of innovations
    Asset view - 3D Viewport
    Asset view - BVH motion capture
    Project Manager v.3 - Asset View HDRI

    Applicable to:

  • How I can merge an animated model with keeping a hierarchy?

    There are a few options to keep a hierarchy for an animated model:

    1. Merge using double-click on 3D file
    2. Merge using the menu-item “Merge with default 3Ds Max Dialog” from the right-click menu “Merge”
      Merge with default 3Ds Max Dialog using Project Manager
    3. Hold the SHIFT key when dragging a model.

      Merging animated model with keeping a hierarchy

  • How to setup studio with reference model

    Rendering model's preview with reference ( like human figure near tree )
    Model's studio with reference

    Let’s talk about how to set up a studio for rendering previews for 3d models with a reference model in the Project Manager.

    Open your studio and insert the desired model used as a reference.

    The reference model should be located inside the “SceneDummy” object.

    Move SceneDummy’s pivot point to specify the position of the model on rendering preview.

    Open the “Render Thumbnails Preferences” and turn on the checkbox “Use custom studio” and “Fit view”

    Turn of the “Fit to Dummy” checkbox.

    Specify a position of model on rendering preview
    Specify position of model on rendering preview
    Render Thumbnails Preferences
    Render Thumbnails Preferences
  • How to create a Bitmap instead of Material when dragging to Material Editor

    Just hold the SHIFT key while dragging the bitmap/map into Material Editor.
    A textureMap supported by your active renderer (Bitmap, CoronaBitmap, etc.) will be created.

    Create a CoronaBitmap or Bitmap when drag to Slate Material Editor
  • How I can Transfer/Backup/Restore the Settings?

    Use the tool “Export/Import Settings” for exporting the settings before reinstalling the 3ds Max or Windows.
    Or for transferring them to another computer.

    • Before restoring settings you should close the plugin using the menu “File” => “Exit”
    • Don’t miss to turn on all desired settings to import. Some settings, such as database, by default, are ignored


    By default the settings are placed in this directory:
    %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\20XX – 64bit\ENU\scripts\Kstudio\ProjectManager_3\Settings\

    About upgrading a database from 2nd to 3rd version please read the next article:

  • Upgrade Database to 3rd version of Project Manager

    When installing the 3rd version, a new database is created and the data is copied from the existing one.

    In this way, you can upgrade to a new database, but at the same time, if you use a common database with your team, your team will be able to use the previous version of the database. Thus, you can deploy a new version gradually, transferring your team to use the new version step by step.

    Also, if necessary, you can always update your database manually using the “Restore database” utility.

    To do this, open the preferences dialog => tab “DataBase” =>
    press the “Restore database” button => “Load from” and specify the location of backups database for 2nd version. ( By default the database for 2nd version located in the directory %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\20XX – 64bit\ENU\scripts\\ProjectManager\temp\databaseBackup)
    Select the database in the list and press the “Restore database” button.

    Upgrade Database to 3rd version of Project Manager
  • What is the difference between the “Models Manager” & “Project Manager”

    1. The “Project Manager” unlike “Models Manager” supports to materials, bitmaps and ies-files.
    2. The “Project Manager” contain the tool “Batch Render&Relink”.
    3. The “Project Manager” contain all abilities of the “FilePathFinder PRO”
    4. See Comparison for Kstudio asset management tools on this page.
  • What is the difference between the “Materials Manager” & “Project Manager”

    1. The “Project Manager” unlike “Materials Manager” supports to 3d models, bitmaps and IES files.
    2. The “Project Manager” contain the tool “Batch Render&Relink”.
    3. The “Project Manager” contain all abilities of the “FilePathFinder PRO”
    4. See Comparison for Kstudio asset management tools on this page.
  • Which 3d programs and renderers are supported?

    Note: Please use latest updates for your version of 3ds max
    3ds Max Updates & Service Packs
    For plug-in work it is required to Net Framework version 4.0.


  • How to Fix: Project Manager(or other plugin) Registration Error

    At first restart computer and try again.
    If this wont help, follow the next steps:

    Looks like Windows Management Instrumentation service on your computer doesn’t work correctly.
    I would like to outline some common solutions that often rectify issues with WMI.

    1. Restart WMI Service:
    – Sometimes, simply restarting the WMI service can resolve the issue. To do this, go to the Start menu, type “services.msc”, and press Enter. In the Services window, locate “Windows Management Instrumentation”, right-click it, and select “Restart”.

    2. Check WMI Repository for Consistency:
    – Corrupt WMI repositories can cause issues. To check the consistency of the WMI repository, open Command Prompt as an administrator and run the following command: winmgmt /verifyrepository.
    If it reports inconsistency, repair it using winmgmt /salvagerepository.

    3. Rebuild WMI Repository (if necessary):
    – If the repository is damaged, you might need to rebuild it. This can be done with the command: `winmgmt /resetrepository`. Note: This action will reset the repository to its initial state; any custom settings or third-party WMI information will be lost.

    4. Renaming Wbem/Repository folder to fix WMI issues

    1. Stop all WMI-related services:
    – Open Command Prompt as administrator
    – Execute the following commands:
    net stop winmgmt
    net stop iphlpsvc
    net stop wscsvc

    2. Rename the Repository folder:
    – Open Windows Explorer
    – Navigate to `C:\Windows\System32\wbem\`
    – Locate the “Repository” folder
    – Rename it to “Repository.old”

    3. Restart the computer

    4. After reboot, Windows will automatically create a new Repository folder

    5. Verify WMI functionality:
    – Open Command Prompt as administrator
    – Run the command: winmgmt /verifyrepository
    – If everything is fine, you’ll see the message “WMI repository is consistent”

    7. After successfully restoring WMI functionality, you can delete the old “Repository.old” folder

    Note: This method may result in the loss of custom WMI settings. It’s recommended to create a system restore point before performing these steps.

    5. Ensure Proper Permissions:
    – Sometimes, issues can be due to insufficient permissions. Make sure your user account has administrative privileges.

    6. Update Windows:
    – Ensure your Windows is up to date. Sometimes, Microsoft releases patches that can resolve underlying issues with services like WMI.

    7. Run System File Checker:
    – Corrupted system files can impact WMI. To check and repair system files, run the System File Checker tool. Open Command Prompt as an administrator and execute sfc /scannow.

    8. Consider a System Restore:
    – If the issue started recently, performing a system restore to a point where WMI was functioning correctly might help.

    9. Check for Malware:
    – Run a thorough antivirus scan. Malware can sometimes interfere with system services.

    After completing these steps, please reboot your system and check if the WMI issue persists.
    If the problem continues, there might be a more specific issue at play, and I would recommend seeking further assistance, possibly from a professional IT service provider.

  • Why is the Project Manager Not Showing Up in the Menu or Showing the Error “Can’t find include file:…”?


    If you’re encountering a situation where the Project Manager (or other plugin) is not appearing in the menu, or you receive the error message “Can’t find include file:…”, this is likely due to hidden or system file attributes in your 3ds Max installation.

    Can't find include file: PathHelper.mse


    Starting with 3ds Max 2021 Update 3, Autodesk made changes to how scripts are loaded. Scripts or files with the “hidden” or “system” attribute are no longer loaded at startup. This means if any folder or script file associated with your Project Manager plugin has these attributes, 3ds Max will ignore them, leading to errors or missing features.


    1. Check for Hidden Directories:
      • Navigate to the directory %localappdata%\Autodesk or its subdirectories.
      • Check if any folder is marked as “hidden.” Sometimes, Windows or certain software may mark these directories as hidden without your knowledge.
    2. Unhide the Folder:
      • Right-click the directory or file, select Properties, and ensure the “Hidden” attribute is unchecked.
      • Apply the changes to all subfolders and files if prompted.
    3. Restart 3ds Max:
      • After unchecking the hidden attribute, restart 3ds Max, and the Project Manager should now load correctly without errors.

    Additional Tip:

    To avoid this issue in the future, regularly check your directories if you notice any unusual behavior in 3ds Max, especially after updates. Hidden or system attributes can sometimes be applied automatically, but they can be manually removed following the steps above.

    For more details, refer to Autodesk’s official forum post on this subject: Maxscripts Not Loading at Startup.

    Here are a few simple methods to find and remove the “hidden” attribute from a folder using Windows Explorer or the Command Prompt:

    Method 1: Using Windows Explorer

    1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder %localappdata%\Autodesk (or the folder where your plugin is stored).
    2. In the top menu, click View.
    3. Check the box next to Hidden items. This will allow you to see all hidden folders and files.
    4. Now, you’ll see any hidden items, which appear slightly transparent.
    5. To remove the “hidden” attribute:
      • Right-click on the hidden folder or file.
      • Select Properties.
      • In the bottom section, under Attributes, uncheck the Hidden box.
      • Click OK to apply the changes.

    Method 2: Using Command Prompt

    1. Open Command Prompt as an administrator.

      1. Navigate to the directory where you want to remove the “hidden” attribute. For example, if you’re targeting the %localappdata%\Autodesk folder, enter:
        cd %localappdata%\Autodesk
      2. To recursively remove the “hidden” attribute from all files and folders, use this command:
        attrib -h /s /d
    2. Explanation:

      • -h: Removes the “hidden” attribute.
      • /s: Applies the command to all files in the current directory and subdirectories.
      • /d: Applies the command to directories as well as files.

      This will remove the “hidden” attribute from all files and folders in the directory you specified, including subdirectories.

    Method 3: Using PowerShell

    1. Open PowerShell as an administrator.

    2. To search for hidden folders in %localappdata%\Autodesk, run this command:

      Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:localappdata\Autodesk" -Recurse -Force | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -match 'Hidden' }
    3. To remove the “hidden” attribute from a specific folder or file, use:

      Get-ChildItem "C:\Path\To\Your\Folder"  -Recurse -Force | ForEach-Object {
          if ($_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden) {
              $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bxor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Hidden

    These methods will help you quickly find and remove the “hidden” attribute from any folder or file.


    1. Locate the ENU Folder:

      • The ENU folder is a specific directory in your 3ds Max installation path. This is where user-specific settings, scripts, and macros are stored. You can typically find it here:
        • C:\Users\[YourUsername]\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\[YourVersion]\ENU
        • Replace [YourUsername] with your actual Windows username and [YourVersion] with the version of 3ds Max you are using.
    2. Copy the “scripts” Folder:

      • Inside the ENU folder, locate the scripts directory. This folder contains all custom scripts you have installed or created in 3ds Max.
      • Copy the entire scripts folder.
      • Navigate to a new location on your computer where you want to store it, such as Documents or any other easily accessible folder. For instance, you can paste the copied folder here:
        • C:\Users\[YourUsername]\Documents\3ds Max [version]\
    3. Relink “Additional Scripts” and “Additional Startup Scripts”:

      • Open 3ds Max.
      • Go to the Customize menu and select Configure User Paths.
      • In the dialog that opens, click on the Scripts tab. Here, you will find options for both Additional Scripts and Additional Startup Scripts.
      • Click on the Browse button next to Additional Scripts and relink it to the scripts folder you just copied to your new location (for example, Documents\3ds Max [version]\scripts).
      • Repeat this step for Additional Startup Scripts, making sure it also points to the same copied scripts folder.
    4. Save and Restart:

      • After relinking both paths, press OK to apply the changes. It’s a good idea to restart 3ds Max to ensure the new configuration is properly loaded.

    Following these steps should fix any issues related to loading startup scripts in 3ds Max.

  • Problems with installation or reading/writing setting for plugins or scripts

    When you start a plugin/script or run an installer, an error message references a Temp/User account folder on your machine.

    Applicable to any script/plugin.

    Additional information:
    By default user must have permissions to read/write to directory %USERPROFILE% (“C:\Users\USERNAME”) but sometime this permission can be changed.
    As a result, the user receives an errors when try install new plugins/scripts, or when try to use them.


    1. Open the Windows Explorer and navigate to directory “C:\Users\”
    2. Choose a directory of your current user
    3. Choose the menu item “Properties” from explorer menu.
    4. Go to “Security” tab and set permission for your user like on pictures below

    Related links:
    Windows 10 troubleshooting (Permissions Issues section).

    How to fix: Unable to create copy/move destination directory

  • You repeatedly receive a MAXScript Garbage Collection Error

    When running a script you repeatedly receive a MAXScript Garbage Collection error.

    Open the “Preferences” dialog and change a value for “Initial heap allocation” to 256 or 512.
    Restart the 3Ds Max.

    See another solution here:
    3ds max Maxscript Heap Memory Allocation

    MAXScript Garbage Collection Error

    Initial Heap Memory Allocation

  • Scene file crashes, corrupts scene data, gives Script Controller error or no longer uses the Undo function


    When opening or working with an Autodesk®3ds Max® software file (*.max), the scene displays some or all of the following behaviors:

    • Crashes or fails to open
    • Corrupted scene data
    • Empty helper nodes
    • Unable to save the scene manually
    • Unable to use the Undo function
    • Displays various MAXScript errors
    • Corrupts or removes cameras, lights, and/or materials
    • Forces an auto-save after breaking the scene or when choosing “Don’t Save” when closing
    • Adds itself to an existing script in the MAXscript startup directory
    • Force closes 3ds Max
    • Unable to save V-Ray lights

    Read original article about issue and solution on Autodesk Knowledge Network.


    Install and use the 3ds Max Security Tools from Autodesk, Inc.
    3ds Max Security Tools protects you from CRP, ADSL and ALC 3rd party scripts, which can corrupt the 3ds Max environment, cause data loss and instability, as well as spread to other systems.
    3ds Max Security Tools can safely remove corruption-causing scripts from your system, including any infected scene files.
    The cleaning process is non-destructive and does not affect any scene data.
    The Security Tools detect and remove the scripts when 3ds Max starts, as well as when a scene is loaded or saved, including when the scene is merged or XRefed.
    The Security Tools will protect and clean systems that are already infected, and allow you to safely use scene files shared from other machines.

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