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  • #9597
  • #16017
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      When I drag the texture to Slate Material, result is auto-create a new CoronaMtl, but I don’t want to do it.
      I just want to create a CoronaBitmap or Bitmap. Is there setting to change it? (version I using is 2.90.16)

    • #16025
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        Good question!

        Yes – you can. This capability always present in Project Manager.

        Drag bitmap to Material Editor and hold the SHIFT key.

        Will be create a textureMap which supported with your active renderer(Bitmap, CoronaBitmap and etc.).


      • #16032
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          Hi Alexander,

          It is awesome for the method, SHIFT key is very good key. Project manager is wonderful :)

          Thank you very much.

  • #16675
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      Hi all,

      This may seem like a silly question, but I really can’t seem to find the answer.

      We have a looot of folders / sub folders etc in our library. I can right mouse click each folder and tick ‘display items in subfolder’ but this then needs to be done for all our users accross all our folders.

      If I enable this at a top level it works, but then the second you go down one folder the arrow icon is grey and the contents of this folder are not displayed unless the option is manually enabled.

      Is there a way to quickly enable this option for all folders no matter what level?



    • #16677
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        Thanks for your question.

        You can change level of subdirectories, but this option applicable only to one level and also this option isn’t shareable and each customer must do this himself.

        Show files in subfolders

      • #16679
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          I have set this option but how would this work in the following structure:

          As you can see if I were to click the folder ‘design connected’ I would see all the models throughout all sublevels. As soon as I enter one of these folders (with sublevels of its own) I have to reselect ‘show files in subfolders’ otherwise I won’t see the model.

          With 100s of folders this is a tiring process each time… Is there a workaround?


        • #16682
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            There is example script for recursively add directories to list of directories with ability to display sub-directories.
            Applicable for Project Manager version 2.xx
            – Drag script into viewport
            – Select top directory for add subdirectories

            By default only one level of directories will be add.
            For chaging level find in script the line “level = 1” and change number to desired. For processing all subdirectories set value to “-1”.
            Be note than very big number of directories can make the plugin slow.

            After processing copy the file “ShowSubDirectories.ini” to all another computers.


          • #16683
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              Hi, this doesn’t seem to work for us.

              The folder in question in a network drive on a NAS – could that be why?


          • #16684
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              No matter where the folder is.

              Just specify the path to the root folder.

    • #16702
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  • #16676
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      Also we have another question! A lot of files come from sources such as design connected who include their previews as ‘preview.jpg’.

      Apart from manually renaming these files to the name of the actual file in question, is there a quick way to relink all of these previews?



    • #16678
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        Next version(version 3) will have ability to set custom preview for each file, but in automatic mode this applicable only for thumbnails with same name as 3d model file.

      • #16680
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          OK, thanks.

  • #20847
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      Sorry if this has been asked already, but I’m about to purchase either project manager or material manager. Is material manager bundled with project manager or is it slightly different in terms of features.

    • #20848
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        Project Manager supports to all types of assets including materials. So Project Manager has all capabilities of Materials Manager.

  • #20850
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      Thanks, I’ve got my answer. I’ve installed the demo.

  • #30425
    Pureblink Server
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      How can I share catalogs between my studio?

  • #30426
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  • #30734
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      is it possible to sort the root directory in 3d models by name? i imported my library and it did not import alphabetically.

    • #30740
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        Use the commands “Move above/below” from the context menu for sorting directories on the tree top-level.

        Thanks for your questions!

  • #33171
    Holy 3D
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      I am using custom studio with no cameras, just with ortho view. But View Presets is inactive. Why? How do I activate the View options list.


    • #33172
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        I’ll  check for a possibility to adding support to use  View Presets with custom studio

  • #33173
    Holy 3D
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      If you turn off UseCustomStudio, then the View selection menu will become available and you can change it. And then turn UseCustomStudio back on. And then the model is rendered in a custom studio with the selected preset from the View menu. This is very strange )


    • #33174
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        Thanks for your notice.

    • #33339
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        Since version 3.15.55 Project Manager allows using view preset if no cameras presented in the studio

  • #33335
    ALI Rafaat
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      Hello , i see in some videos of project manager 5 categories , 1-models 2-texture 3-material 4- hdri 5- ies….my project manager is missing the HDRI category how can i add one

  • #33340
    Holy 3D
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      Thank you for the previous feedback. Is it possible to add dimensions to the information in the next releases? This will help you understand the size of objects such as bushes.

  • #33624
    Holy 3D
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      Is there a way to add a preview to the folder directory?

  • #37679
    Nei Pangilinan
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      I just have a question about the project manager. Is it also possible to save material with vray displacement modifier of 2D landscape type? I guess this is very much more efficient for ground object types such as grass than to displace it as 3D type.


    • #37680
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        Displace modifier is stored with material, but only if the modifier used with material

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