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  • #32116
    Bordo Rights
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      I would like to add 3 requests:


      allowing users have zipped files.  At the moment i believe the tool can just allow to detect a zip/rar file if it includes a preview image with the exact same named. This will allow huge hard drive space savings but also allow the user drap/relocate 3d files without worrying about leaving previews and texture files else where.

      Tool needs a packager. Currently, (as far as i know) when the users wants to add some more models to library, the tool can let you  manually assign a preview file to it, relink the assets files. But if you drag it to a tidier folder, it will leave the preview and the textures as is, wont relocate them to where the 3d is. something equivalent of the “etransmit” in autocad is needed here.

      the tool can have a  better “tag” search system. The tag searcher should be able to read the tags that are embedded on the preview images. Not only that but also the directory names should also be counted as search strings.

      For ex: If an “apple” resides in a directory “Decors\FoodAndDrinks\apple.rar”, the search box should show the result when searched for “food” (even though it s a fruit:). And it should always add tags to the actual preview file so that library can be self sufficient and the tagging process be much more robust.

      In google’s image browser “picasa”, the tag system is very robust. You can search for  “modern seats -wooden” and it can show the images that contain those tags but exclude the ones that have the tag “wooden” even if it s not a tag but a “folder”

      As these shortcomings exist, i still prefer using the zip “file+preview ” in folders and browse through tags in “picasa” (or adobe lightroom). As the textures of models all inside the 3d’s own zip file, they dont clutter the search results. I can take a portion of the library to somewhere else and either install the small browser “picasa” or just use windows search as the tags are embeded on the preview images.

      Let me know what you think, thanks






  • #32463
    Rajendra Meena
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      This could be understood only if you try your hands on Corona Select map/material, this allows users to quickly switch between different maps to try and taste different material in interactive rendering. Now my request is to streamline the workflow of creating CoronaSelect map based on the multiple selection of textures, HDRI. providing users the ease to create color combination, texture combination and experiment on the fly.

  • #32464
    Rajendra Meena
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      Also, if possible, Just as we have “Assign material to selection” button, similarly “Assign HDRI to Environment Slot so we can quickly try different lighting, Reflection.

  • #33761
    Tikaradze Arsen
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      Thank you very much for a great tool. With this tool my life has become much easier and more convenient.

      I would like able to create previews of models in different renders automatically.

      Let’s say the model is made for v-ray and in batch mode active render will automatically choosen v-ray. If model  made for Corona, in batch mode active render will automatically choosen corona. Renderer for preview will be selected depending on the active renderer in the scene of the model.

      Something like this :)

    • #33765
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        I would like able to create previews of models in different renders automatically.

        Just uncheck the options “Default Renderer” and “Use custom studio”

      • #33770
        Tikaradze Arsen
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          Now I am really happy!

  • #33993
    Francis Lessard
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      Feature request:
      That would be great if the colors we assign to Catagories get saved in database and share between workstation.


  • #34029
    Piotr Waciega
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      Thank You for great tool. I use project manager for few years and I can’t imagine my work without it.

      Is it possible to run one instance of project manager and use it with more than one 3ds max opened in same time?


  • #34872
    FFnc Luis
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      Deberian incluir una opcion parecida a la de este script, poder insertar modelos 3d comprimidos, y poder reducir el espacio en el disco duro.

  • #35585
    Thomas C
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      Hi Alex,


      Thanks and congrats again for this wonderful tool: I wish I discovered it earlier!

      One feature that is missing according to me, is the ability to mark items of interest in a temporary “basket”.

      Let’s say you work on a project and you’re looking for a particular piece of furniture, you want to mark items that you think may work for the purpose but you’re not entirely sure about yet, then you navigate to another folder containing furniture also and, again, you want to mark pieces of furniture that could do the trick, and then, ultimately, you have that basket with all the items you have marked for you to choose the right one, all accessible straight away in the same area of the UI so all you have to do is deciding which is the best one, clicking it, and you’re taken to the corresponding folder.

      I hope it makes sense and you can implement such a nice and useful feature in future versions of Project Manager  :)


    • #35590
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        Just create a Category “Basket”.

        Put it to the top of Categories and drag all items you want to this category.

      • #35595
        Thomas C
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          Beautiful, thank you Alex!

  • #35586
    Thomas C
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      Hi Alex,


      It would be nice to implement a rating feature, so that you can mark items as 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars depending on how it suits your needs.

      These rating stars would be visible on the items thumbnails  :)


      Thank you!


    • #35591
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        Thanks for your ideas!

  • #36205
    Oleg R
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      Hello Alex,

      I have two Ideas, which I believe can be helpful for Project Manager:

      Idea 1: It will be great to have model rating option for the whole team (synchronized mode). With stars or numbers and with the possibility to see how much people has been voted. Why?

      Here is our example:
      Our company has a situation right now- we are planning to building new 3d library and want to get rid of obsolete models or/and find high quality alternatives for bad looking, but useful types of models. To do this, we need to know which models have been used and which are not. That’s why we need to see the votes from all co-workers to build the list of model candidates. Rating option will be really helpful here. (for now we need to search for another software for this task)

      Idea 2: If we are performing big tasks like rendering previews or relinking paths for a lot of models, it can take a lot of time. And it is reasonable to do this at the nighttime. It will be great to have an option “go to sleep after finish the task” in Project Manager. So when the task is finished, the computer will no longer run without the tasks.

      I hope you find the ideas useful.
      Thanks a lot and Слава Україні! Мої вітання від Одесита до Одесита.

    • #36329
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        Idea 1: It will be great to have model rating option for the whole team …

        Thanks for the idea. I’ll check for such capability.

        Idea 2: …. option “go to sleep after finish the task”…

        Each computer on Windows has an option to sleep if no tasks is running

        Слава Україні! Привіт з Одеси!

  • #37078
    Thomas C
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      Hi Oleksandr,


      I hope you’re well in these difficult times.

      I have the following wish: it would be nice to have the ability to batch update paths for materials thumbnails.

      As at the moment, I have to select each thumbnail one by one in the gallery, and click on the menu to select ‘Update path(s)’.

      Thank you in advance.


  • #37870
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      ability to make materials base on templates on batch mode, for example i have folder with textures


      one click and i get materials parquet_01, parquet_02,parquet_03,parquet_04,parquet_05 in materials library

  • #39770
    Mattia Colangelo
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      I think that a killer feature would be rendered texture preview.
      In our studio we divide textures into subfolders, so every group of textures that would be on the same material are in the same folder.
      Project manager has already the capability of creating materials from selected textures following templates, which is a great tool, and the capability of showing previews of materials in a studio set.
      It would be great if selecting a certain number of folders PM could create a Material following the template, apply it to the Dummy Studio Scene and render it to give the folder a rendered preview likely as it does with materials and models.

      Thanks for the consideration.

  • #40444
    Pablo Angerer
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      Hi Alex,

      It would be great when the project manager track how often an object was used. Maybe also when it was used the last time.

      This feature can help to find out what are the importand objects and which objects can be deleted.

      Thanks and best regards


    • #40445
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        Great Idea
        This might be some like Quick Access in Windows

      • #40446
        Pablo Angerer
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          And this allow me to find out which objects are used by my team and which objects are not used. So it becomes easier to keep the important objects in the library and delete the objects that are not used. I try to keep my library small but with all important objects.

  • #41420
    Pablo Angerer
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      Is there a way to merge a model as vray proxy with the display preview type “show whole mesh”?



    • #41426
      Posts: 258
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        Thanks for idea

        I’ll add this to roadmap

    • #41809
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        This feature is added in version 3.35.40
        You can download the latest version from the dashboard.
        Auto-updater will be triggered in a few days if no critical issue is found.
        Thanks for your idea!

        Ability to specify the level of detail for the Proxy preview in the viewport


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