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- December 15, 2019 at 15:00 #24065
- Adds an ability to use VRayHDRI in template materials
- Adds an ability to mass change paths in Database ( dialog Preferences => Database => Convert Paths )
- Fixes an issue with interactive rendering some 3d files with textures in a separate window
- Fixes an issue with setup correct proportion for bitmapTexturemaps when the option "Use Real World" is disabled
- Fixes some issues with spinners when using the option "Use Real World"
- Fixes compatibility with standard function for creating/assigning camera to an active perspective view
- Fixes a bug with resetting settings in some situations
- Fixes a bug with compatibility with the latest version of VP Materials Manager
- Fixes an issue with displaying files in the subdirectories
- Fixes an issue when comments for materials didn't save in some situations
- Fixes some other issues relate to materials
Template Materials with VRayHDRI
Project Manager already has the capability to create your own sample material and set the default settings – for example, reflection, glossiness and set the texture type with desired default parameters.
And in this version, plug-in gains support to use VRayHDRI in template material.Relocate Paths in Database
Also if you change the path to your assets on HDD outside Project Manager you can easily re-link them at once in the database using the “Convert Paths” tool.
You can find “Convert Paths” tool in the dialog Preferences => Database => Convert Paths.
Also using this tool you can convert all paths to Network or to Local.$60.00Add to Cart
Read about the Latest Version
Related to "Project Manager version 3.07.91"
- January 8, 2020 at 15:20 #25164
立群 陈
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