FAQ: Project Manager - Page 2

When installing the 3rd version, a new database is created and the data is copied from the existing one.

In this way, you can upgrade to a new database, but at the same time, if you use a common database with your team, your team will be able to use the previous version of the database. Thus, you can deploy a new version gradually, transferring your team to use the new version step by step.

It’s simple using Project Manager or FilePathFinder. https://youtu.be/gTCT4TYjDf8Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Find materials with missing files (https://youtu.be/gTCT4TYjDf8) Select desired files into the list and press one from buttons on top panel for placing dependent material, texture map to Material Editor or select objects. Using panel on bottom you can filter files […]


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