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  • #28451
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 1
    Joined: Jun 2020



      Where do I set a custom image as a thumbnail for a material?


      I’v seen a tutorial where the option is present under the ‘Thumbail’ context menu.

      But on my version 3.10.32, I dont have this option:

      The current manual of the plugin shows another version:

      For context:

      I’m a brand new user of the plugin, started today, so no experience yet.

      I have my own rendered material thumbnails that I prefer over the Max’s or K-studio’s rendered thumbnails.

      It must be me overlooking something that is probably staring me in the face, but I just can’t figure it out.


      Could someone put me on the right track?

      Thanks in advance!

    Plugin version: 3.10.32
    3ds Max version: 2020

  • #28455
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009
  • #28540
    Posts: 2
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    Joined: Jun 2020

      Thx heaps, Alexander!

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