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  • #118
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      FilePathFinder Pro v.4.00.83

      • Extremely speeds-up collect files on batch relink
      • Fixes some minor issues with the Converting Images tool
      • Fixes a bug with opening the plugin on scenes that contained Anima objects
      • Fixes an issue with applying an activation key

      FilePathFinder Pro v.4.00.76

      • Adds support to batch archive 3ds MAX files and Material libraries with assets
      • Adds support to paths longer than 256 characters
      • Adds an ability to convert images to TX format
      • Some optimizations and speed improvements
      • Fixes an issue with renaming links on xRef scenes using Advanced Asset Renamer
      • Fixes a bug on relinking and collecting assets
      • Fixes an issue with relinking paths longer than 256 characters
      • Fixes an issue with refreshing assets after relink in version 4.00.26
      • Allows to setup desired view for studios without camera
      • Fixes an issue with relinking OSLMap
      • Fixes an issue with slow opening right-menu in some scenes
      • Fixes a bug setting path for links contained illegal characters

      FilePathFinder Pro v.4.00.00

      • Adds support to 3ds Max 2022
      • Adds an ability to convert and resize images
      • Ability to mass-rename links ( menu Tools => Mass Rename Tool )
      • Batch Render&Relink

      • Adds the “Fast mode” for relinking 3ds Max files and material libraries in the batch mode
      • Adds an ability to Find & Replace part of paths in batch mode
      • Adds an ability to specify output filename on rendering previews for models
      • Setup multiple custom studios for rendering 3d models and material libraries
      • Adds an ability to specify pivot point on rendering preview for models
      • Adds a new BatchModes to ‘Batch Render&Relink’ API – #RelinkPreSave, #RelinkPostSave. See an example in file “presetsAPI examplesBatch Script”

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.80.03

      • Adds support to IES interactive rendering
      • Fixes an issue with removing atmospherics on rendering previews
      • Fixes an issue with isolated nodes when rendering previews
      • Fixes an issue when monitor screen DPI uses a scale of more than 100%
      • Fixes an issue with rendering some scenes with Corona 6

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.78.01

      • Adds support to ArchVision RPC. Display native preview.
      • Adds support to “.MC” files in Point Cache modifier
      • Adds an ability to rendering previews using Corona Frame Buffer.
      • Drops support to 3ds Max 2013
      • The methods of generation preview for Substance and additional 3ds Max image formats (such as vrimg and etc.) was rewritten.
      • Move plugin to directory and category “Kstudio”
      • Fixes a bug with relinking scenes that contain IES files using Batch Render&Relink tool
      • Fixes an issue with correct display the maximized plugin window on some monitors
      • Fixes an issue with ability to refresh the listview using the F5 key
      • Fixes some minor issues with interface
      • Fixes an bug with Asset Management scenes which contains Containers
      • Fixes other minor issues and performance improvements

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.77.00

      • Adds support to 3ds Max 2020.
      • Speeds up the relinking of asset files for complex scenes up to 5 times.
      • The option “Remove unused materials” now supports the Slate Material Editor.
      • Fixes some minor issues with renaming items in the listview.
      • Fixes some minor issues with comparing external files with same name but different content
      • Fixes an issue with annoying message of Archvision RPC plugin at start
      • Fixes an issue with selecting Vray Proxies by file-name.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.76.14

      • Speeds up the relinking of asset files approximately in 7 times!
      • Adds support to 3ds Max 2019
      • Display progress bar when Copy and Relink assets
      • Adds an ability to rename Asset link + file on Hdd in more simple way – using menu-item or shortcut (SHIFT+F2)
      • Simplifying Deployment. New capability for installation plugin and creation the identification files in silent mode.
      • Fixes a minor issue with relinking background images
      • Fixes a bug with crashing the plugin in scenes which contains VRayOSLTex and VRayGLSLTex textureMaps
      • Fixes an issue with generating preview for some .PSD files.
      • Fixes a potential issue with generating bug-reports.
      • Fixes some another minor issues.
      • Fixes some potential issues with compatibility with other 3ds Max plugins.
      • Fixes some another minor issues.
      • Fixes some minor interface issues
      • Fixes an issue with flickering toolTips in Windows 7

      New Features & Fixes for tool Batch Render&Relink

      • Adds capability to render in batch mode using Maxwell Renderer
      • More accuracy find compatible renderer by material
      • Fixes an issue with using Vray Frame Buffer for rendering thumbnails in Vray Next.
      • Uses real World and mapChannel settings from materials when rendering preview for materials. ( Available only with default material’s studio)
      • Fixes a bug with rendering some 3d models.
      • Fixes a bug when rendering preview works very slowly when Vray material contains displacement
      • Fixes a logical mistake in using variables “FilePath” and “FileName” in “Batch Render&Relink” tool

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.75.35

      • Native preview for Final Render proxy files (.fpx )
      • Now asset files refreshes automatically after changing link to xRefs
      • Speeds up resolve, strip and change the links to asset files
      • Now .ifl files are copied properly when user collect asset files or make an archive
      • Adds an ability to rendering previews using Vray Frame Buffer ( available for Vray 3.20.02 and above )
      • Fixes an issue with set custom view for rendering previews defined into drop-down “View”
      • New default render-presets. Adds default presets to Final Render, Octane, Redshift, Fstorm and Arnold renderers
      • Adds an option “Fit to Dummy” to render setting
      • More accurate fitting of objects to the view when rendering
      • Changes for API: The ‘PostScriptInfo’ is deprecated. For details see a file “BatchRendering Script” in ‘presets’ directory
      • Fixes some issues with archiving a scene
      • Fixes an issue with disabling and removing xRef objects
      • Fixes a bug in FStorm Render when 3Ds Max crashed on trying to access Bitmap FStorm properties
      • Fixes a minor issue with renaming asset links
      • Fixes a minor issue with removing some links from scene ( menu-item “Remove Link From Scene” )
      • Fixes an issue with very slow relinking of materials in Corona 1.7
      • Fixes an issue with display some image files in the listview when running different Kstudio’s plugins at same time
      • Fixes an issue with renaming external files with status #Found on HDD using the “Specify Asset Path” dialog
      • Fixes an issue with using a full and demo version of different Kstudio’s plugins at same time
      • Fixes a compatibility with plugins which use a old version of NLog library
      • Fixes a bug when in some situations window not drawn properly
      • Fixes the issue with rendering preview when using the custom studio with VRayPhysical camera
      • Fixes the issue with opening VrMat files with #Found status
      • Fixes the bug with crashing the 3Ds Max when user try remove some links from scene
      • Fixes the rare bug what can occurs on closing the plugin
      • Fixes an issue with redrawing some items after changing the thumbnails size for listview
      • Fixes a bug with crashing the 3Ds Max if studio doesn’t contain the ‘SceneDummy’ object
      • Fixes an issue with scaling objects on rendering a preview when an option “Fit view to nodes” turned off
      • Fixes an issue for ‘Batch Render&Relink’ version 1.60.21 with fitting a camera view to nodes when camera has invalid target.
      • Fixes the issue with rendering preview for .BIP and .BVH files.
      • Fixes the issue with found compatible renderer for some materials.
      • Fixes some minor issues with rendering previews.
      • Fixes an issue with using the render settings from scene/studio in batch mode.
      • Supports only to x64-bit system

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.70.19

      • Redesign the interface.
      • Increase the size of thumbnails up to 512px.
      • Adds support to different screen dpi settings.
      • Adds an ability to display thumbnails for 3ds Max scenes saved in 3ds Max 2017.
      • Updates for Unique Asset Tracking System what allows to working with assets which unsupported by default 3Ds Max Asset Tracking System.
      • Fixes the bug with crash of 3Ds max when Corona interactive rendering is active.
      • Fixed a bug when working with Assets whose name begins with the symbol “$” ( Error message: “$directory not recognized”).
      • Fixes a bug with asset files when path contains invalid characters.
      • Fixes a bug when viewport displays a scene in black when use a Nitrous Direct3D Display Driver.
      • Adds the ability to rendering previews for models using all cameras present in rendered scene..
      • New option “Fit view to nodes” – to disable/enable fitting view to objects in rendered scene. .
      • New method for API: PostScriptInfo.FitCameraFov. .*
      • Adds a new property to ‘Batch Render&Relink’ API – BatchMode (return the string Unknown, BeforeRender, Render, Relink, Test). *
      • Fixes an issues with rendering previews: now studio scaled to nodes instead previously used method for scaling nodes for fitting to studio. .
      • Fixes an issue with stopping batch mode with message dialog about read-only files.
      • Fixes a minor issue with rendering models using the Batch Render&Relink.
      • Adds an ability to rendering preview for materials used in .vrmat files.
      • Fixes a bug with relinking Material Library files using the Batch Render&Relink tool.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.55.00

      • Updates the studio for rendering previews for materials.
      • Adds an ability for select items by typing them names on the keyboard.
      • Zoom to a map/material after placing it into the Slate Material (3ds Max 2014 and above).
      • Fixes a potential bug with tracking asset files in 3ds Max 2010.
      • Fixes an issue with tracking assets for files opened from the 3ds Max ‘Start-up Template’ dialog.
      • Fixed a bug with updating what occurs on some computers.
      • Fixed a minor issue with sorting items in the listview.
      • Fixed an issue with showing thumbnails in the ‘Confirm replace’ dialog.
      • Fixed an issue with clearing items in listView after closing the ‘Preferences’ dialog.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.54.00

      • Fixed a bug what occurs on some computers when opening the ‘Folder Browser’ dialog.
      • Fixed a bug with rendering preview for 3d models in the 3dsMax 2016 when using custom studio scene.
      • Fixed a bug in the ‘Confirm replace’ dialog.
      • Fixed some other issues.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.53.00

      • Add support to Octane renderer version 2.XX
      • Fixed a bug in the Demo version when a customer try search the asset files.
      • Fixed issues with creating and relinking a Maxwell lights.
      • Fixed a minor issue with updating.
      • Fixed other some minor issues.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.52.00

      • Adds the ability to archiving a 3ds Max scene. (menu “Tools”=>”Archive scene”)
      • Fixed a bug with using the plugin with ‘Models Manager’ and ‘Materials Manager’.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.51.01

      • Fixed a bug with “Translate Paths …” with option “Include output paths”.
      • Fixed a bug with relinking asset files with option “Rename File on Hard Drive”.
      • Fixed a minor issue with relinking.
      • Fixes some minor interface issues.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.50.24

      • Fixed the issue with keeping the settings of the Target Lights after relinking the ies file.
      • Fixed the bug after using the “Reset Settings” option.
      • Fixed a some minor issues with updating the plugin.
      • Fixed a some minor issues with setting the directory for searching for ‘Batch Render&Relink’ tool.
      • Fixed a some minor issues with interface in the ‘Batch Render&Relink’ tool.
      • Fixed an issue with winApi what occurs on some computers
      • Adds ability to set intensity multiplier for rendering of the IES files.
      • Fixes the issue with starting on the x32 system.
      • Fixes some issues with generating the preview for HDR, EXR and PSD files.
      • Fixes a potential issues with translating a paths to local\network.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.50.02

      • Increase the size of thumbnails up to 256px
      • Adds the support to Corona renderer
      • Adds the support to Octane renderer
      • Adds support to Maxwell renderer:
      • Search\Collect\Relink for Maxwell Proxy
      • Search\Collect\Relink for Maxwell MxLight
      • Search\Collect\Relink for Maxwell MxMesher
      • Search\Collect\Relink for Maxwell MxParticles
      • Search\Collect\Relink for Maxwell MxVolumetric
      • Search\Collect\Relink for Maxwell Materials and Maps
      • Add the ability to render the preview as .png with alpha channel.
      • Fixed the some issues and bugs when the system use the text with size greater than 100%.
      • Fixed the issue with hiding the Vray VFB window.
      • Fixed the bug with locking the 3ds max hotkeys after opening some menus.

      This version is required the new license-key.
      The update is free!
      Please send a request for update from dashboard.

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.12.68

      • Fixed a bug with rendering preview for 3d models
      • Fixed a some issues with gamma when rendering the thumbnails
      • Fixed a bug with black output when rendering the thumnails for materials with Vray frame buffer
      • Fixed a bug with generating the identification file on some computers
      • Fixed some minor issues for folder-browser dialog
      • Fixed some minor issues with interface

      FilePathFinder Pro v.3.10.41

      • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed a bug with Browse dialog when user have installed AutoCad 2014
      • Fixed a bug with relinking assets in the BatchRender&Relink
      • Fixed some minor issues with interface.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.9.60

      • New features:
      • Adds support to renderer Octane – working with asset files.
      • Adds support to renderer Octane – rendering previews.
      • Bug fixes:
      • Fixes issue with blocking 3ds max hotkeys after opening menu “File”.
      • Fixes issue with setting a default renderer in Batch Render&Relink.
      • Fixes issue with applying render-preset in Batch Render&Relink.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.9.15

      • New features:
      • Adds ability to reorder Search directories with drag&drop.
      • Adds ability to set Default Renderer for Batch Rendering.
      • Modified features:
      • Display xRefs in tree mode.
      • Merge materials for xRef Objects.
      • Now you can add Custom Dependencies with drag&drop.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.6.16

      • Bug fixes:
      • Fixes a bug with rendering of 3d models.
      • Fixes a bug with starting the “FilePathFinder PRO” on some computers.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.6.12

      • New features:
      • Displaying embedded to 3ds max files thumbnails.
      • Adds ability to use custom studio for rendering the 3d models and materials.
      • Adds ability to includeexclude models by extension to batch rendering
        (by default is it 3ds Max,VrayProxy, Mental Proxy, 3ds, obj).
      • Bug fixes:
      • Fixes a issue with flipping the thumbnails for max and video files.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.6.02

      • New features:
      • Some changes for Preferences dialog.
      • Modified features:
      • The new improved system of search for asset files.
      • Bug fixes:
      • Fixes some minor issues for batch render.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.5.45

      • Fixes issue with hide/freeze Command Panel after relink&collect the asset files.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.5.40

      • Adds support to 3ds Max 2012.
      • Adds support to Substance Textures.
      • Adds ability to render thumbnails for 3ds, fbx, obj, vrmesh(Vray Proxy), mib(Mental Ray Proxy) files.
      • Some changes for Dark theme interface.
      • Fixes issues with memory leaking with render thumbnails.
      • Fixes some minor issues with utility “Batch Render&Relink”
      • Fixes issues with loading render-preset files for render thumbnails.
      • Fixes issues with autosearching asset files for render thumbnails.

      FilePathFinder PRO v.3.5.31

      • Now a batch render and search , collect and relink the files in batch mode is done via the utility “Batch Render&Relink”.
      • You can change the paths in xRef-files without opening the file (available for max 2010 and above)
      • Adds the ability to translate path to local or network, including the output files.
      • Dark theme.
      • Fixes a bug with render thumbnails for 3ds max 2010&2011.
      • Fixes a bug for 3ds max 2011 when working with Slate Material Editor.


        3ds max 9 now no more supported.
        This update requires a new license key.(update is free)

      FilePathFinder PRO v3.3.40

      • Increase speed of loading thumbnails.
      • Fixes issues with relinking V-Ray environment maps.
      • Fixes issue occurs on some computers when running utility.

      FilePathFinder PRO v3.2.70

      • The Utility “Render Thumbnail” is Updated.
        • Adds the ability to render all materials and textures in the Material Library.
        • Adds the ability to specify size for thumbnails rendering.
        • Adds the ability to use for models rendering the renderer settings from the scene.
        • Adds the ability to use for models rendering active viewport.
        • Adds the ability to specify custom view for models rendering .
        • Fixes the issues for auto detection compatible render-preset for Models Materials and Material Libraries.
        • Now with the utility supplied three render-presets(For Scanline, Mental Ray and Vray), but if you use a different renderer, you can add your own render-preset.

      FilePathFinder PRO v3.2.68

      • Fixes issues with Removing Links

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.64

      • Fixes issues with cancel dialog for 3ds Max 2011 when run collect asset files.
      • Fixed issues with cancelling Collect Files operation.

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.61

      • Fixes some issues with working in not saved 3ds Max file
      • Fixed a bug with Vray SP5 and above where in the list of texture files were shown Render Output Files

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.55

      • Fixes a bug at collection the files in version 3.2.53
      • Fixes the issues with collection the files without extensions
      • Adds the ability to check for Updates at Startup the utility

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.53

      • Fixes a bug at frequent the opening/closing FilePathFinder

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.50

      • Adds ability to auto fix Texture paths for new merged objects on fly (if possible and needed)
      • Adds “Post-Open Script” Section in Batch Mode
      • Adds hotkey for removing links from scene by Delete-key
      • Fixes some issues with Replacing Objects
      • Fixes some other minor issues

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.33

      • Adds support for Max 9SP2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

      FilepathFinder PRO v3.2.28

      • Adds support for Max 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)
      • Adds ability to change path for cache files
      • Some Interface changes
      • Fixes some issues with creating new materials in Max 2011
      • Fixes some minor issues

      FilePathFinder PRO v3.2.16

      • Fixes some issues with collecting preview thumbnails
      • Fixes a problem due to a bug in Max 2011 with decimal divider

      FilepathFinder v 3.2.12

      • Adds compatibility to Slate Material Editor
      • Adds helper tool for placing objects
      • Adds ability for standard method of drag&drop the files with Shift-key
      • Adds ability to rotate objects clockwise with Control-key and counter clockwise with Alt-key
      • Adds ability to render preview for 3ds max scenes with “Render Preview” tool
      • Adds ability to search, relink and collect files included to the Material Library files
      • Adds ability to collect preview thumbnails with source files
      • Adds ability to remove maps by links from scene
      • Fixes bug for 3ds max 2010 and 2011 versions that arising because of wrong preservation the Custom Dependets Files in these versions of 3ds Max
      • Fixes some issues with dragging material libraries onto objects and into the Material Editor
      • Fixes some issues in 3dsMax 2011 with dragging objects onto viewport
      • Fixes issues when user has installed egzMaterials
      • Fixes issues with the correct designation the texture size when using different System Units and Display Units

      FilePathFinder Pro v3.1.40

      • Adds ability to easy drag several 3d models into the scene
      • New convenient methods of merging and placing the objects in the scene
      • Adds ability for adding files to list by drag&drop method

      FilePathFinder Pro v3.1.32

      • Sped up loading of thumbnails
      • Adds ability to collecting files included in IFL
      • Changed the location of the button “Add Files to Project”

      FilepathFinder v 3.1.27

      • Adds ability to drag files of materials (“.mat”) on objects in viewport and into the Material Editor
      • Adds filter for Images and Not-Images Files
      • Fixes issues with speed for Showing Files in List with filter
      • Fixes issue occurs on some computers when running utility

      FilepathFinder v 3.1.15

      • DotNet interface
      • Image preview list
      • Image preview for Mental Ray Proxy, Vray Proxy, Ies,Material and xRef (if to them exist preview image)
      • 3 modes to display files – Details, Details with Thumbnails and Thumbnails
      • New methods of collection of files – via clipboard and drag&drop method
      • Ability to add bitmap files, proxy, Ies, materials and other files to the project
      • Ability to create new materials
      • Creating Multimaterial with dragging of several images
      • Texturing of objects and subobjects
      • Ability to change setting for texture before or after the creating of material
      • New Render Preview Tool
      • Fixes issues with retargeting of Custom Dependents in Asset Tracking
      • Object selection has been accelerated (up to 100 times!)
      • “Transparent” demo-version

      FilepathFinder v2.5.40

      • Adds “Show in Viewport” function
      • Adds shortcut “Resolve All Files with Status #Found” by F3-key
      • Adds shortcut “Set Path” by F6-key
      • Adds dynamic displaying in the list “External Files” at input of a mask of a required file in the field “Find”
      • Fixes issues with conteiner files in 3ds Max 2010 without “Deep Relink” function

      FilepathFinder v2.5.08

      • Fixes issues with retarget files speed
      • Fixes issues with “Image view” mode

      FilepathFinder v2.5.00

      • Adds “Batch Mode” for external files over many Max files correction
      • Adds an ability to collect external files from many Max files with the “Batch Mode”
      • In “Batch Mode” User can:
      • -To collect files into the same with the Max file folder
      • -To collect external files into the Max file subfolder
      • -To collect external files into one folder
      • -To collect external files into subfolder named as Max file
      • Fixes some interface issues
      • Fixes some issues with the demo version

      FilepathFinder v2.4.58

      • Removes some restrictions from the demo version.
      • Fixes issues with the updating of external files when adding xRef and when “Refresh at Start” is off.
      • Adds ability to work with unsaved max file.

      FilepathFinder v2.4.54

      • Correction for copying the animated MentalRay Proxy files.
      • Now preview are copied together with MentalRay Proxy files.

      FilepathFinder v2.4.50

      • FilePathFinder settings are now saved when installing new versions.
      • Adds shortcut “Edit bitmap” by F4-key
      • Adds «Make Report» function.
      • *Adds «Deep relink» function.
      • *Notes
      • By default «Deep Relink» function is off.
      • Use «Deep relink» function only if the standard method of the path to your files not relinking.
      • This method is somewhat slower.
      • If you still have to use «Deep relink» function, please create and send the developer a report about your problem.

      FilepathFinder v2.4.25

      • Adds “View Files-List by Selection” filter
      • Fixes same interface issues

      FilepathFinder v2.4.16

      • Adds “View Files-List by Filetype” filter
      • Adds “Check for Update” function

      FilepathFinder v2.3.8

      • Selection of objects is accelerated (max selection time 5 sec. Tested on scene with 35 000 objects)

      FilepathFinder v2.3.65

      • Fixes a finding of textures and a select of objects on textures containing in objects.
      • Selection of objects is accelerated
      • Rename filename by F2-key (shortcut only)
      • Rename filepath + filename by ctrl+F2 (shortcut and menu)

      FilepathFinder v2.3.2

      • Adds Image Preview for bitmaps
      • Fixes Image preview
      • Fixes Resize “File Collector” rollout by height
      • Adds “Check up files with invalid paths” function for external scene files

      FilepathFinder v2.2.4

      • Adds “Duplicate compare” dialog for “Copy to” menuitem
      • Fix save/restore Selection files in Files-List

      FilepathFinder v2.2.0

      • Change multiply files in “Browse” menu
      • Open selected bitmaps in your editor (set-select for program in submenu)
      • Resize “File Collector” rollout by height

      FilepathFinder v2.1.0

      • Fixes an error when starting in Max 2008
      • Adds ‘Place to Material Editor’ function
      • Adds full refresh for external scene files by CTRL+Clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button

      Read about the Latest Version

      Related to "FilePathFinder PRO Update History"

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