Products in category "Asset Management"

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3DS Max Project Manager from KStudio makes keeping track of your projects much easier.
With just a few clicks, you can instantly access, preview and utilize any 3D Assets in 3ds Max. With Project Manager, laborious and repetitive tasks that often take days to complete will now require a small fraction of ...

Quickly create PBR materials in bulk from textures.
Customize presets and generate material libraries from thousands of textures, all within Project Manager.
Fine-tune material presets directly within Project Manager, and generate material libraries from thousands of textures in a single batch.
Supports Vray, Corona, Arnold, ...


Manage assets for 3ds Max Scenes in Batch mode
Manage assets for 3ds Max Material Libraries in Batch mode
Search/Relink/Collect/Archive multiple 3d files with assets in Batch ...

Materials Manager is a powerful plugin for 3ds Max that offers a wide range of features to help you organize and manage Materials and Textures, and create complex PBR materials effortlessly.
With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality, Materials Manager simplifies most ...


This plug-in helps organize and use 3d models in 3ds Max.
Manage Assets for 3d Models
Preview thumbnails for 3D files.
Keep links to favorite folders and files.
Searching files by tags and file-names.


Asset Tracking Manager for 3ds Max.
Find, collect and relink asset files.
Archive 3ds Max scenes
Support to all modern renderers.
Support to XRefs.
Support to any type of resources (images, HDR, Proxy, IES, shaders&etc.)
Select objects or materials by link.

Rendering thumbnails for 3d models, materials, and IES in batch mode
Manage asset paths for multiple 3d files (3ds max and material libraries) in batch mode
Search/Relink/Collect/Archive multiple 3d files with assets in batch mode
Rename asset paths by mask for multiple 3d files in batch mode
Custom studio for rendering ...


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