
Viewing 3 posts
  • #20634
    Michael Hagelsieb
    Posts: 3
    Threads: 3
    Joined: Jun 2017

      I would love to be able to save out images or a pdf of all the thumbnails from a certain folder and share with others.
      There are times I work with designers who don’t work within max and can’t see all the greatness of project manager and what files I already have.
      If I could quickly click on a folder and export out a single pdf or several jpgs of what I have it would be really helpful.
      For instance, below is a snippet I took with windows snippet tool.
      The problem happens when you have more many folders with different meshes…it becomes a tedious process.
      If you had some sort of feature to export out a full report of ALL the previews for a catalog that would be amazing.

      Thank you!

      3D Furniture. Project Manager

  • #20643
    Posts: 260
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    Joined: Aug 2009
  • #20647
    Michael Hagelsieb
    Posts: 3
    Threads: 3
    Joined: Jun 2017

      Learn something new everyday, thank you!

      When is 3.0 version being released?



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