
Viewing 5 posts
  • #38820
    Sandra Massa
    Posts: 3
    Threads: 4
    Joined: Dec 2015


      One of My custom Arnold Material Templates has a scale for all image maps set to .23 and when I generate a new material using custom uv template the materials generated scale is at 1.0.  Please advise if there is a way to do this for Arnold image maps as I have a whole manufacture’s library where the material in real world scale is .23.

      Please note that I also tried setting the top where it says custom to .23 and that did not do anything.

      Thanks in advance,


    Plugin version: 3.20.16
    Renderer: Arnold

  • #38824
    Posts: 260
    Threads: 1174
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please attach here or send to email your template material
      You can find it by this path %localappdata%\Kstudio\data\

    • #38826
      Sandra Massa
      Posts: 3
      Threads: 4
      Joined: Dec 2015

        Hi Alex,

        Ok.  I will email as attaching the Material.xml file did not work here.



  • #38831
    Posts: 260
    Threads: 1174
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Image size uses settings from these options

  • #38839
    Sandra Massa
    Posts: 3
    Threads: 4
    Joined: Dec 2015

      Thank you for pointing this out.  I know in the past I did set most of my fabric materials to 54 inches wide and it’s been a while, so I put in the size in the material uv maps.  Now looking to find this I see that I had the settings minimized.

      Thanks again,

      SandraSize settings for material were minimized

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