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  • #32154
    Dan Martin
    Posts: 1
    Threads: 1
    Joined: Dec 2018

      When I select a bunch of models and drag them to the max window to start painting with them is there a way to:

      1.  Run through them sequentially instead of the painting script randomly selecting from the selected group of models.

      I’d like to select a bunch of people and use the paint tools to paint people into my scene, but without repeats.  To run through the list of models imported until it reaches the last one.

      2.  Have the models automatically rotate in random intervals.

      This would be helpful when painting say landscape elements, such as bushes and trees.

  • #32156
    Posts: 260
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      Just use the place mode “Use 3Ds Max Paint Settings” and tune related settings in the 3Ds Max

      Use 3Ds Max Paint Settings

  • #32166
    Dan Martin
    Posts: 1
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    Joined: Dec 2018

      Thank you, that does not work fully, but I expect it’s a max bug.  Using Max 2020

      I set the paint settings to “All, In Order”, but when I drag the objects from Project Manager, it automatically switches the max paint settings back to “All, Randomly”. (while still in Project Manager’s “Object Place&Paint”)

      Paint Settings

      When I add the merged objects to a “List” and use “Paint with Object(s) in List” everything works as expected.   In order for that to work though, I have to exit out of the Project Manager “Object Place and Paint”, add the objects and then paint.  Which is fine.

      However, if I use “Paint with selected Objects”, and make sure it’s set to paint “All, In Order”, max still paints “All, Random”.  This is even though max says it is “All, In Order” in the toolbar.  Which is why I think it’s a max bug.

      At any rate, thank you for the tip as it does do what I wanted it to, just with the extra step.

  • #32180
    Posts: 260
    Threads: 1173
    Joined: Aug 2009

      This works in 3ds Max 2021 but doesn’t work in 3ds Max 2020. I hope that Autodesk will fix this issue in one from next updates

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