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  • #42613
    Posts: 1
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    Joined: Sep 2024

      I want to save my models along with their associated assets, and I need the assets to be named according to the model.

      For example, if I have a model named “Box,” I would like the bitmaps associated with it to be saved as “Box_01.jpg,” “Box_02.jpg,” and so on.

      While on the Save/Export Selected menu i tried to set the asset path from “<FilePath>\<FileName>” to <FilePath>\<Object Name> but no success. Thanks in advance…

    Renderer: V-Ray

  • #42636
    Posts: 259
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      This is a path where assets will be stored.
      To change assets filename, use the tab “Asset Tracking” on the Project Manager window

    • #42638
      Posts: 1
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      Joined: Sep 2024

        Yes i already know that but the problem is i want to save a lot of 3d models and it’s saving the assets with their original names. I want it to save the assets with the objects names with the extension of _01, _02, _03 etc.

        For example, if I have a model named “Door,”  and it’s assets are named such as (for example) “stone_diffuse.jpg”, “stone_bump.jpg” I would like the bitmaps associated with it to be saved as “Door_01.jpg,” “Door_02.jpg,” and so on.

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