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  • #41987
    Razvan Andrei
    Posts: 1
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    Joined: Jun 2023


      Frist time posting here, but not being able to use my most important feature (batch relinking) pushed me look into it.

      So, as stated, the relink doesn’t appear to work for me (worked until recently, I think one of the more recent updates may have messed it up). Even when pointing the path to the actual folder that has the textures it refuses to see them.

      I will note that the Preferences – Misc – Auto-Relink options are both ticked so I’m at a loss.

      Let me know if you’ve got any ideas to help me out.

      Many thanks!

  • #41990
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please generate the support request.
      You can find this option in the main 3ds max menu “Project Manager” ==>> Create Support Request.

      Thanks for your feedback.
      Please describe if this problem occurs when you merge models, relink on the Asset Tracking tab, or use the Batch Relink tool. Please also attach some screenshots with settings

  • #43598
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    Joined: Jan 2025

      This important Batch Relink tool is also no longer working for me either (v3.35.75). It will go through the process (I tried with and without fast mode), and a message will appear saying that it is complete

      If I right click on the Bitmaps: 19 (19 missing), or Manage Assets, I will have success. I just don’t want to do this for every model.

      My max files are not “read only”, and I am directly linking to the maps folder.

      Please help, thanks!

    • #43599
      Posts: 261
      Threads: 1185
      Joined: Aug 2009

        version 3.35.75 is too old.
        Update to the latest version.
        PS. Such error can also occur when using a cracked version.
        Hackers often make mistakes when hacking. It can be one of them.
        Use demo version for testing.

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