
Viewing 3 posts
  • #41691
    Gethin Hooper
    Posts: 11
    Threads: 5
    Joined: Jun 2019

      Thought I’d give the latest build a chance after not updating for a while. Nope still same old bugs. No new features please until you get the old features working again. The batch RenderRelink 2.15.08 still has a broken UI and more importantly the scripts feature is no longer working during a batch process. You are constantly tinkering/messing with this software and it’s getting worse. I will gladly pay for a new version if it works.

    Plugin version: 3.35
    3ds Max version: 2024.2.1
    Renderer: Corona 11

  • #41693
    Posts: 259
    Threads: 1168
    Joined: Aug 2009


      Could you please send the used script to support@3d-kstudio.com

  • #41694
    Posts: 259
    Threads: 1168
    Joined: Aug 2009

      This issue is fixed in version 3.35.27
      You can download the latest version from the dashboard.
      Auto-updater will be triggered in a few days if there’s no critical issue found.
      Thanks for your feedback.

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