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  • #16419
    Philipp Hubmer
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Jun 2017

      Hy, first of all we are super happy with project manager it speeds up our process a lot!

      we have notet some low loading times in the materials sections.

      the thumbs are 800px square and browsing through the library seems to reload the thumbs every time when we switch the .mat library, can this be server related? our 1gbit network doing around 110mb/s up and down, server is a synology ds415+, the database is stored on this server as mysql.

      can the thumbs be stored localy on a ssd for faster loading?

      thanks for advice



    Plugin version: 2.91.40
    3ds Max version: 2018 SP4
    Renderer: Vray 3.60.04

  • #16428
    Posts: 260
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      By default the cache is stored by path “%localappdata%\Kstudio\data\cache\”

      You can change path to desired from “Preferences” dialog

      Path to 3ds Max Project Manager cache

      Thanks for your question!

  • #16431
    Philipp Hubmer
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Jun 2017

      yeah, i lokked into that but it also loading the thumbs on switching from one matlib to another.

      is there a other workaround?

  • #43946
    2id interiors
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      Hi KStudio,

      I’ve noticed that the thumbnails of all the assets are loading very slowly, which has been happening since the last two updates. Additionally, when I try to use the first letter shortcut in my Liberty folder, it jumps to a different folder, which seems like a bug.

      Thank you!

    • #43948
      Posts: 260
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      Joined: Aug 2009

        What exactly version of Project Manager and 3Ds Max are you using?
        What kind of assets are loading slow?
        Sorry, but I don’t understand what “…the first letter shortcut in my Liberty folder..” means?

  • #43977
    2id interiors
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    Joined: Sep 2024

      Hi Mr. Kramer,

      I use 3ds Max 2024, along with the latest versions of Corona and V-Ray. Let me explain my situation: I uninstalled the latest version of Project Manager and reinstalled the older version (V3.37.39), which is working fine as always. However, I noticed after the version V3.37.41 that there seem to be major improvements, as mentioned in the description on the KStudio website’s download section.

      After installing the newer version on my computer, the thumbnails in my folders and subfolders reload every time I switch to another folder. This makes it almost impossible to search through the folders and files. For example, if I move from a folder labeled “Light” to a folder labeled “Sofa” that I created, all the thumbnails reload again. However, as I mentioned, everything worked fine in versions up to V3.37.39, where all thumbnails remained loaded, and navigation was fast.

      Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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