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  • #28333
    Zhang Jian Hua
    Posts: 2
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    Joined: Nov 2019


  • #28336
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      What language are you use in 3ds Max and system?

      Thanks for your feedback.

  • #28338
    Zhang Jian Hua
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 4
    Joined: Nov 2019

      系统语言是“中文”。3ds max 使用的“英文”

  • #29829
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please try to do next for fixing a problem with overlapping

      Open Project Manager and maxscript listener ( click on any place in 3ds max viewport and press F11)

      Insert next line

      ProjectManager_3Form.Font = dotNetObject “System.Drawing.Font” “Microsoft Sans Serif” ProjectManager_3Form.Font.Size ProjectManager_3Form.Font.Unit

      Place cursor at end of the line and press SHIFT+ENTER

      Check if this fixed the issue with overlapping and write about the result

  • #29835
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      This issue is fixed in version 3.12.55

      Thanks for your feedback!

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