
Viewing 9 posts
  • #30610
    Mustafa Beytekin
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Dec 2017

      For a long time we have a problem. We can’t add a model as xref into scene because it crashes randomly. Trying open backup project doesn’t work too. But if I choose ‘static’ option in xref options crashes decrease. I tried manually add same object as xref with Max’ native xref import it doesn’t crash. This is not object specific issue. I tried different models from different libraries. Nothing changed. Please help about this because it’s really waste of time for me. Everytime I re-open last saved project and trying to add xref from library again.Sometimes it doesn’t crash.

      By the way, we’ve installed ‘Security Tools for Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2021-2015SP1’ already.


    Plugin version: 3.12.75
    3ds Max version: Max 2021 -
    Renderer: Octane Render - 4.05-6.34

  • #30612
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please update Project Manager to the latest version.

      Also, please attach one from your models and generate the bug report.

      You can find this option in the main 3ds max menu “Project Manager” ==>> Create Support Request.

      Thanks for your feedback.

  • #30613
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      Are you merge a model as xRef scene or as xRef object?

      Try to set the place mode to “Default” or drag a model with the pressed SHIFT key.

  • #30621
    Mustafa Beytekin
    Posts: 3
    Threads: 5
    Joined: Dec 2017

      Thank you very much. This solves problem I guess. I didn’t know pressing shift while dragging.

  • #30622
    Mustafa Beytekin
    Posts: 3
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      But, shift trick is for xref scenes. But we usually use xref object mode. That’s why crashes continue. Choosing Place mode to ‘Default’ causes crash again. Most stable option is ‘3ds max paint’ mode. I’ll try 3ds max paint option for a while and I’ll report the results.

  • #30623
    Mustafa Beytekin
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Dec 2017

      by the way we upgraded PM to latest version. Nothing changed.3ds max paint’ mode is more stable than others but it crashes sometimes.
      We’re using PM for three years . in early versions I don’t remember PM causes any crashes. These crashes have begun in the last 5-6 months.
      Models are same. Our setup is same. Only upgrade PM to latest and 3ds Max 2019 to 2021.
      Maybe if the project manager had been adding to the scene based on the origin of the object instead of dragging, these crashes would not have happened.

  • #30624
    Mustafa Beytekin
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Dec 2017

      Is there any way to add a custom script in custom menu of Project Manager, which can be load an xref object with selected object’s file name and path?

      I found this script;

      myPath = “\\\\filer\\share\\project\\”
      ext = “.max”

      listArray = #()
      file = openFile “”\\\\filer\\share\\project\\models.txt” mode:”r”
      while not eof file do
      lineInfo = readLine file
      append listArray lineInfo
      close file

      for i in listArray do
      xrefs.addNewXRefObject (myPath + i + ext) i #xref #xref #useScene


      Can I change myPath variable with object filepath which is selected in Project Manager?

  • #30628
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please attach one from your models and generate the bug report.

      You can find this option in the main 3ds max menu “Project Manager” ==>> Create Support Request.

  • #30639
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009
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