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  • #10824
    Loek Meenhorst
    Posts: 1
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    Joined: May 2012

      If  i recall correctly, in previous version I used to be able to drag folders from my windows explorer to PM.

      Now I can’t anymore, (on 2 computers with latest version) and have to right click, choose add folder etc. pretty annoying.

      Could it be a .net framework 4.6 problem in windows 10 maybe?

      Also, when I drag a hdri into the viewport, the hdri is only added to the environment slot.

      didn’t pm also used to create a vray dome light with the associated hdri, or wasn’t this the case?


    Plugin version: latest stable version
    3ds Max version: 3dsmax 2016 no sp
    Renderer: Vray 3.4.03

  • #10841
    Posts: 260
    Threads: 1173
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Thanks for your feedback and wishes.

      …able to drag folders from my windows explorer to PM.

      But i can’t reproduce this issue.

      Are you tried drag a folder from network or local path?
      Whereto did you drag it?
      To treeview panel, to another directory, to catalog or to favorites folder?

      Also, when I drag a hdri into the viewport, the hdri is only added to the environment slot.

      Maybe you want what hdri also assign to Vray render reflect/refract slot?

      …create a vray dome light with the associated hdri

      You can simple assign HDRI to desired slot of Vray Light by dragging.

      assign HDRI to desired slot of Vray Light by dragging

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