Get one additional license for free!

What is the Free Additional License?

This offer grants users who purchase any of Kstudio Plugins the right to install and use an additional copy on a second machine.
This flexibility is crucial for freelancers who operate across multiple workstations, allowing for a seamless transition and uninterrupted workflow, whether at home, in the studio, or on the go.

Eligibility and Limitations:

Individual Users:
Every individual purchaser of our plugins is eligible to receive one free additional license per plugin purchased.
This enables artists to maintain productivity by using their preferred tools in various work environments.

Companies and studios are entitled to one free additional license for each plugin purchased,
regardless of the number of units bought under different names or addresses within the same organization.
It is also a small but pleasant bonus for buyers of several dozen licenses.

Revocation Rights:

We reserve the right to revoke any additional license at our discretion, without prior notice or explanation.
For example, the additional license will be canceled if a customer uses the refund option for the original purchase or if there is an attempt to combine two or more 3d-kstudio accounts into one.
Similarly, if a company has purchased licenses for different accounts, these actions may also lead to the revocation of the additional license.

How to Receive a License Key:

The process for receiving license keys for an Additional License is identical to the process for obtaining purchased licenses.
You can read more about how to receive your license key at our license key reception guide.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions to ensure you can quickly and easily access your license and start maximizing your workflow efficiency with our plugins.

User can get only one additional license for free – so users who always have additional license
can’t get second additional license.
You will get only one license for free, regardless of the number of licenses purchased.
The additional license will be for the same plug-in that you bought.
So if you bought Project Manager – you will receive one additional license for Project Manager,
if that is Sweep PRO – you will receive +one license for Sweep PRO etc.
The additional license will be canceled in case if customer use the refund or combines 2 or more
3d-kstudio accounts into one.

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $28.00.
Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $9.80.
Original price was: $74.50.Current price is: $39.11.
Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $5.60.

Applicable to:


25 thoughts on “Free Additional License of Kstudio Plugins for 3Ds Max

  1. Paulo Vilela says:

    hello for how long does the license last, is the license permanent or do I have to pay an annual fee or monthly fee?

  2. Kris Moore says:

    I just bought Sweep Pro. I received the additional license. I would like to install that one on my friend’s computer. That way I have a license and he has one. What are the steps to make that happen?

  3. Genaro Sotomayor says:

    I bought recently the sweep profile plugin and I have my free additional license, exactly how does it work? Can I have the Sweep Profile Baseboard as my free additional license? You said on your advertisement that “I can get one additional license for any from Kstudio Plugins for free”

  4. andres says:

    Hi Alex. Is this offer still available? I want to purchase Project Manager, so I’ll receive an additional one to install on another PC, right?

  5. Marino Muxfeldt says:

    Hi Alexander.

    If I buy 2 licenses I’ll get more 2 for free?
    Buyng 2 licenes the price still US52,50 for each?


    • Alexander Kramer says:

      Hi Marino.
      You will receive one additional license, regardless to the number of licenses purchased.

      Yes – currently price is $52.50 per license. Usually during the Sales period the volume discounts is not applicable.

      Thanks for your questions and Merry Christmas!

      • christophe says:

        Hi Alex,
        I’d be interested in that too. My understanding is that if I buy one or more license of project manager I get one extra license for free.
        I’m confused by “Of course all customers who already have a Project Manager license (but haven’t additional license) also can take advantage of this offer.”. I already have a bunch of licenses for my team, how does that apply to these existing license?


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