Baseboards Moldings Bundle

All baseboard molding shapes in one bundle.
Set from 170 baseboard molding shapes for using in 3ds Max.
A baseboard is a well-known finishing element to a flooring project.
The baseboard molding serves as a transition from a horizontal surface (e.g. your new laminate floor) to the vertical surface of a wall.
Baseboard molding can add an effect to the appearance of your room.
Ready to use with the plugins “Fusion” and “Sweep Profile”.

Available in Bundle(s)

Original price was: $243.00.Current price is: $97.20.
Original price was: $584.50.Current price is: $321.48.

Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $25.20.

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Sweep Shapes Baseboards-B-part-1
Baseboards Moldings Bundle
Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $25.20. Add to Cart