
Viewing 2 posts
  • #20648
    Michael Hagelsieb
    Posts: 3
    Threads: 3
    Joined: Jun 2017

      It would be great to batch process files to create .vrscene files from any given folder. Or at the very least instead of choosing normal vray proxy from drop down it allows for vrscene files as well.

      The particular reason for wanting vrscene of vray proxy file is the ability to share vr scene files with other platforms (rhino, sketchup, revit).

      Thank you!

  • #29595
    Posts: 258
    Threads: 1137
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Project Manager version 3.12.30 received support for converting files to VRSCENE.
      You can find this option in the sub-menu “Export to:”

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