
Viewing 4 posts
  • #23715
    Man Mars
    Posts: 9
    Threads: 12
    Joined: Dec 2019

      Move to (new) catalog> choose one of the existing catalog which i want to move the folder to. This will be more convenient than just copy/paste. Thank you! ” />

  • #23719
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      This and other features for working with multiple directories currently in development.

      These features will be released during December, in January maximum.

      Thanks for your ideas!

  • #23731
    Man Mars
    Posts: 9
    Threads: 12
    Joined: Dec 2019

      Can’t wait to see. Thanks a lot!

  • #25319
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Version 3.08.15 with the ability to copy/cut/hide/delete and drag multiple directories at once now is available.
      You can download it from the dashboard.
      Auto-updater will be triggered in a few days if there’s no critical issue found.

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