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  • #30077
    Nicolas Thieffry
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 0
    Joined: Jan 2020


      First of all, thank you for your plug’in. He’s very good.

      With the last version of Vray (5), i re-rerender my all thumbnail with a new custom studio.

      But sometimes, i have an issue with th floor. The object is not on the floor but he pass through the floor.

      With the oldest version and the sames objects i haved no problems.

      Can i do something to fix it? Somebody have the same issue?

      Thank you.

    Plugin version: 3.12.68
    3ds Max version: 3ds Max 2018
    Renderer: V-ray

  • #30081
    Posts: 260
    Threads: 1174
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please generate the bug report and attach several models with such problem.
      You can find this option in the main 3ds max menu “Project Manager” ==>> Create Support Request.

      Thanks for your feedback.

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