Viewing 4 posts
- September 30, 2018 at 19:19 #16554
Jorge Fierro
ParticipantPosts: 2Threads: 4Joined: Oct 2017When using a simple and direct port of the default studio using a hdri dome and a camera, sometimes one object starts to render on subsequent items in the thumbnail render cue, when I stop it appears in my view port, I tried a delete all objects script in the output script in the render preset this didn’t work.
any ideas?
Plugin version: 2.92.00
3ds Max version: 2017
Renderer: vray corona - September 30, 2018 at 19:20 #16609
Oleksandr Kramer
ModeratorPosts: 260Threads: 1174Joined: Aug 2009Please generate the bug report.
(menu “Project Manager” ==>> Create support Request)Thanks for your feedback.
- November 1, 2018 at 17:07 #16727
Jorge Fierro
ParticipantPosts: 2Threads: 4Joined: Oct 2017Thanks Alex, this last update seems to have fixed the issue, I’m sorry I couldn’t help debug the issue. Hell of a good work!
- November 1, 2018 at 20:16 #16728
Oleksandr Kramer
ModeratorPosts: 260Threads: 1174Joined: Aug 2009Great!
Viewing 4 posts
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