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  • #38778
    Posts: 1
    Threads: 0
    Joined: Sep 2021

      Hi guys,

      I’m having a hard time connecting Project Manager with a mysql connection.

      I followed the “Using PM for Teams” guide I found on the forum to no avail: everithing is setup but when I try to connect to the database the system prompts an error ” The  given key was not present in the dictionary. Please contact with administration of your network.”

      The MySQL connection is set as the guide indicates and running. I made some researches (a lot of :)) and found that this error might be related to something about the character set. I tried to switch the connection character set using utf-8mb4, utf8mb3 and latin 1, but the error remains.

      -OS: Win 11
      – 3ds Max 2024 + Corona Renderer 9.2
      – MySQL Community Edition 8.0

      Could anyone help me solve this?

      Thank you very much!


      My System:


    Plugin version: 3.20.15
    3ds Max version: 2024
    Renderer: Corona Renderer 9.2

  • #38782
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Customers should have all rights to manage a database.
      This message in most cases means that some data cannot be written to the database

  • #38797
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Also, this problem might be related to the installed version of the database

      Project Manager 3 supports MySQL versions from 5.7.28 to 8

      and  MariaDB* server (version 10.3 up to 10.5.20)

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