Tagged: information, Model
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- August 5, 2020 at 18:08 #28878
Gael Lendoiro Sevilla
ParticipantPosts: 3Threads: 2Joined: Jan 2019Hello.
I’m having a extrange behavior in the information panel with some files recently added.
As you can see in the attached pictures the information is always the same no matter which file I select.
I added this files by drag & dropping the folder from the explorer to the project manager window catalog.
Plugin version: 3.11.46
3ds Max version: 3ds Max 2020
Renderer: Vray - August 5, 2020 at 18:11 #28882
Oleksandr Kramer
ModeratorPosts: 259Threads: 1169Joined: Aug 2009This information stored in 3ds max file and Project Manager just read it.
For receiving correct information you should update 3ds max file. For this open each file and save.
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