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  • #32345
    Lance Rewerts
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 0
    Joined: Nov 2017

      Get a runtime error when trying to start Project Manager in 3dsmax 2022. This is the case on several machines.

      — Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Users\rod\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 – 64bit\ENU\scripts\Kstudio\ProjectManager_3\Main.mse; position: 1056; line: 17
      — MAXScript MacroScript Error Exception:
      — Runtime error: .NET runtime exception: Method not found: ‘System.ValueType ManagedServices.MaxscriptSDK.ExecuteFloatMaxscriptQuery(System.String)’.
      — MAXScript callstack:
      — thread data: threadID:13804
      — ——————————————————
      — [stack level: 0]
      — In anonymous codeblock; filename: C:\Users\rod\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 – 64bit\ENU\scripts\Kstudio\ProjectManager_3\CommonSettings.mse; position: 5955; line: 81
      — Defined in encrypted script
      — ——————————————————
      — [stack level: 1]
      — called from execute(); filename: C:\Users\rod\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2022 – 64bit\ENU\scripts\Kstudio\ProjectManager_3\Main.mse; position: 1057; line: 17
      — member of: codeblock macroScript: Kstudio_Project_Manager_3
      — Defined in encrypted script
      — ——————————————————
      — [stack level: 2]
      — called from codeblock macroScript: Kstudio_Project_Manager_3
      — Locals:
      — Externals:
      — ——————————————————
      — [stack level: 3]
      — called from top-level

    Plugin version: 3.10.23
    3ds Max version: 2022.0.1
    Renderer: Vray

  • #32347
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Project Manager supports 3ds Max 2022 since version 3.14.15

      Just upgrade to the latest version

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