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  • #18029
  • #18064
    Posts: 4
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    Joined: Feb 2018

      Thanks for the update.

      I have a problem because I previously installed 2.95.03 into Max 2020. Project Manager actually worked for 2020 with that version, but now there are pop-ups every time I launch 2020 about updating/installing PM. This continued even after running the uninstall for that version; it continues still after installing 2.95.20 … it keeps prompting to install updates for 2.95.03.  What can I do to get PM to know that the latest version is already installed and get rid of the prompts at startup? I presume there is some cache I can delete but I’ve already tried removing all files for PM I know of in the 3ds Max AppData.

    • #18069
      Posts: 261
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      Joined: Aug 2009

        This looks like plugin didn’t update the file “Version.ini”.

        Please check if this file can be accessed for writing.

        Try manually update the section “Main” “Version=2.95.23”

        You can find it in the directory “userScripts/TrackScripts/ProjectManager/Settings/”

  • #18071
    Posts: 4
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    Joined: Feb 2018

      Here is my current Versions.ini:


      And when I launch 2020 I get this:

      If I hit cancel, the same popup will come back. If I hit cancel again, then Max goes ahead an loads and PM will work with correct version. However, if I don’t hit cancel but instead hit Agree and Next, it installs the older version over the new one.

      Note I previously ran the uninstaller and deleted the files in userScripts/TrackScripts/ before installing the latest version.

      As always, thank you for the attention.

    • #18075
      Posts: 261
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        Please check if ProjectManager.mzp is located in scripts startup or stdscripts directory.

  • #18083
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      I could not find it in any Max or APPDATA path. I had used Run Script … and the MZP is on my desktop.

    • #18085
      Posts: 261
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      Joined: Aug 2009

        As I see the problem is that the MZP file (or the unpacked MZP archive with the file) is in one from 3ds max’s startup folders. Please check your skype’s messages.

  • #18131
    Posts: 4
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    Joined: Feb 2018

      Thanks for the great support Alexander. Taking the time to help solve my issue (which turned out to being caused by my own mistake in copying some files) helps to show off your dedication to your customers. Thank you!

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