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  • #10842
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      New feature request from Gabriel Hildebrandt

      Problem is: 

      We got a new Libary with new network path. We want to link all assets from the
      max scenes to the new libary (we did it project folder wise till now / all maps where presented
      in the specific project folder resulting in the same map was copied for each project which is not economic
      harddrive space wise)
      But not all maps are in the new libary which are used in some max scenes and should go into the
      specfic project folder-.

      Just in other words. I want Filepath to search and relink all maps to the new server path and those maps
      Filepath didn’t find there ->
      either not change link (all links are “OK” because of the old server is still avaible) and let me copy manually
      or the better one, copy them to a specfic folder when he didn’t find them on the new server path

      Puh, hope it explains it now. The only solution I found now is:
      1. Collect all assets to a temp folder.
      2. Delete all links
      3. Let Filpath search and relink on the new server
      4. Relink all still missing assets to the temp folder again
      5. Copy them to the new server in a project folder

  • #40218
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      This feature is currently implemented in the Batch Relink version
      Later it will be implemented in other of our plugins for asset management

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