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  • #41595
    Posts: 1
    Threads: 0
    Joined: Jul 2022


      i recently updated to 4.15.05 and since then i am facing a problem.

      sometimes when i try to link missing textures after merging a model into 3dsmax and give the path for search destination the textures picked are not correct. this doesnt happen everytime but a lot of times. this was not happening before update. can someone please tell me what settings need to be changed. in prefernces copy and rename is on. i am using following settings.


      it doesnt happen everytime. but 30 percent of the time it picks wrong textures.


      please advise .



    Plugin: FilePathFinder Pro
    Plugin version: 4.15.05
    3ds Max version: 2024.2.1
    Renderer: corona

  • #41598
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Please try version 4.15.06
      If this happens again, generate the support request.
      You can find this option in the main 3ds max menu “FilePathFinder” ==>> Create Support Request.
      Thanks for your feedback.

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