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  • #39450
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 2
    Joined: Jun 2018


      I am having an annoying issue in my thumbnails. I am using the same “Studio_Scene” with the same materials for two models of the same collection and for the first the thumbnail is rendered with the correct gamma and the second one is not.

      Any idea to solve this issue? I can not find anything and I have tried to reset the scene, merge the model, convert the hole scene with Vray Converter… nothing works.

      Thank you.

      Gamma Issue_01

    Plugin: Models Manager
    Plugin version: 2.02.23

  • #39455
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Just check gamma settings in 3ds max and check if don’t use the overwrite output gamma option in render preferences ( or try turn on it)

  • #39457
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 2
    Joined: Jun 2018

      ummm. I tried but it does not work. Thanks anyway



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