- October 24, 2022 at 03:08 #37073
Filis Guillaume
ParticipantPosts: 1Threads: 2Joined: May 2020::Plugin version 2.00.65
The “confirm replace” window keep popping at each file with the same name, even if i check the “save as default” and apply or have the “Copy and rename” option checked in preferences.
As the folder is huge i can’t do it manually :,( (tried to follow your last “Batch Relink 3Ds Max Scenes/Materials” video)
Also minor “issue”, i have to cancel twice the batch to make it stop (the window “confirm replace” appears a second time after the first attempt to cancel and i have to cancel again)
Thank you (for the support and the amazing Project manager plug-in)
Plugin: BatchRender&Relink
Plugin version: 2.00.65
3ds Max version: 2022.3
Renderer: Vray - November 2, 2022 at 16:01 #37198
Oleksandr Kramer
ModeratorPosts: 261Threads: 1185Joined: Aug 2009This issue is fixed in version 3.18.60
You can download the latest version from the dashboard.
Auto-updater will be triggered in a few days if there’s no critical issue found.
Thanks for your feedback.
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