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  • #37722
    Martin Reznicek
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 3
    Joined: Nov 2017


      I actually experiment with Fusion I just bought. In my project, I very often use walls with different types/shapes of Bricks. In Fusion, the script is good to use Clone/Fusion distribution but most often problems are on corners of walls. Any change in future add-ons for some better results for “bricks wall” distribution?

      Kind regards

      Martin Reznicek

  • #37724
    Posts: 261
    Threads: 1185
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Could you please attach the example scene?

      I don’t understand how you want to model walls using Fusion

  • #37725
    Martin Reznicek
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 3
    Joined: Nov 2017

      Thank you for your quick answer. Just I work on some comerc. projects but immediately when I will more time,

      I will make some sample scenes to send you.

      Also, I have an idea, actually, there is the distribution to the spline, would be great possible distribute inside the closed spline as a “scatter” for fulfilling by paving/tile for examp.  with an offset between tiles. But maybe it is too difficult for implementation.

      Kind regards


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