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  • #35229
    Bert McCumber
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    Joined: Apr 2022

      How is this plugin installed?  There is no way to customize the install location.  It puts the plugin on the C: drive but I have all of my programs installed on my D: drive.  Thanks, Bert

    Plugin version: pre-release version
    3ds Max version: 3DS Max 2016

  • #35231
    Posts: 255
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      There is no ability to set a custom path to installation

  • #36160
    Joshua Jay
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      I installed the full 2023 version but the License button is missing from the UI.

  • #36186
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  • #37144
    Filis Guillaume
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      Is the option to set a custom path to installation will be implemented soon ? The halloween sale is tempting but if i can’t use the plugin, it’s useless ( Max is on another drive, D).

      Can’t even try the Demo…

      If it’s still not the case, it should be cleary mentionned on the store page !

    • #37148
      Posts: 255
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        …Max is on another drive, D

        it does not affect to functionality of the plugin in any way. I’m also having 3ds Max installation on D

  • #37149
    Filis Guillaume
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      My bad,

      I tried the demo but couldn’t make it work and found this thread, but after some tweeking i found that i didn’t place the”en-US” of the “RENDER_VERSION” in the right place.

      Please add a .txt or put installation guidelines inside the manual, feel like i was cracking the plugin ….

      (For those wondering: Add the content for your max version of the “RENDER_VERSION” inside the plugin folder of your max installation: the “en-US” folder don’t go at the root).

      Thank you, and sorry if my english is not clear ^^.

    • #37167
      Posts: 255
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      Joined: Aug 2009

        Use the RENDER_VERSION only on render-nodes.

        Versions for rendering don’t have the interface and required only for rendering.

        So for using – remove any manually placed directories and use the EXE files to install the plugin.

        PS. The latest version (uploaded yesterday) fixes a problem with installing for customers who have several user-profile directories for 3ds max.

        Looks like this is your case. Just download and install the latest version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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