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- February 19, 2018 at 11:46 #14808Oleksandr KramerModeratorPosts: 258Threads: 1154Joined: Aug 2009
- Native preview for Final Render proxy files (.fpx )
- Now asset files refreshes automatically after changing link to xRefs
- Speeds up resolve, strip and change the links to asset files
- Now .ifl files are copied properly when user collect asset files or make an archive
- Adds an ability to rendering previews using Vray Frame Buffer ( available for Vray 3.20.02 and above ) [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes an issue with set custom view for rendering previews defined into drop-down “View” [Batch Render&Relink]
- New default render-presets. Adds default presets to Final Render, Octane, Redshift, Fstorm and Arnold renderers [Batch Render&Relink]
- Adds an option “Fit to Dummy” to render setting [Batch Render&Relink]
- More accurate fitting of objects to the view when rendering [Batch Render&Relink]
- Changes for API: The ‘PostScriptInfo’ is deprecated. For details see a file “BatchRendering Script” in ‘presets’ directory [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes some issues with archiving a scene
- Fixes an issue with disabling and removing xRef objects
- Fixes a bug in FStorm Render when 3Ds Max crashed on trying to access Bitmap FStorm properties
- Fixes a minor issue with renaming asset links
- Fixes a minor issue with removing some links from scene ( menu-item “Remove Link From Scene” )
- Fixes an issue with very slow relinking of materials in Corona 1.7
- Fixes an issue with display some image files in the listview when running different Kstudio’s plugins at same time
- Fixes an issue with renaming external files with status #Found on HDD using the “Specify Asset Path” dialog
- Fixes an issue with using a full and demo version of different Kstudio’s plugins at same time
- Fixes a compatibility with plugins which use a old version of NLog library
- Fixes a bug when in some situations window not drawn properly
- Fixes the issue with rendering preview when using the custom studio with VRayPhysical camera
- Fixes the issue with opening VrMat files with #Found status
- Fixes the bug with crashing the 3Ds Max when user try remove some links from scene
- Fixes the rare bug what can occurs on closing the plugin
- Fixes an issue with redrawing some items after changing the thumbnails size for listview
- Fixes a bug with crashing the 3Ds Max if studio doesn’t contain the ‘SceneDummy’ object [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes an issue with scaling objects on rendering a preview when an option “Fit view to nodes” turned off [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes an issue for ‘Batch Render&Relink’ version 1.60.21 with fitting a camera view to nodes when camera has invalid target. [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes the issue with rendering preview for .BIP and .BVH files. [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes the issue with found compatible renderer for some materials. [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes some minor issues with rendering previews. [Batch Render&Relink]
- Fixes an issue with using the render settings from scene/studio in batch mode. [Batch Render&Relink]
- Supports only to x64-bit system
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