SIGGRAPH 2010 – Chaos Group End User Event V-Ray 2.0 Demo.
Ignacio Thomas, instructor de CICE certificado por Autodesk y demo artist de Chaos Group, realiza en este tutorial una presentación del nuevo V-Ray 2.0, toda una referencia entre los motores de render para Autodesk 3ds Max.
CICE, Escuela Profesional de Nuevas Tecnologías.
V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: Physically correct dispersion support in the V-Ray material.V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: V-Ray Lens Effects - Glare. Lens Effects can be correctly calculated based on your V-Ray camera lens setup.V-Ray 2.0 sneak peek: VRayDistanceTex. In many ways similar to VRayDirt, but calculated before the raytracing, so unlike VRayDirt this texture can be used to control displacement, fur length etc.
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