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  • #9744
    Posts: 13
    Threads: 20



      if I use the native vray export I can combine all selected objects in a single file but cant export materials along. To use the proxy I have to create a submaterial and save it correctly in advance.


      Mesh export to vray proxy along with materials is great- but is it possible to combine selected objects in one proxy AND save materials and load the proxy as well as the materials afterwards?


      Thanks for enlightment :)

  • #9745
    Posts: 13
    Threads: 20

      After some research I guess there is no way beside collapsing into single object before exporting as proxy. Which is alright as its not editable anymore anyway. Would be great if there’s a one-click solution like: selecting objects, then it automatically collapses it which assignes materials as only one submaterial (match mat Ids to mat), exports as proxy and if wanted automatically converts to proxy and applies multi materials after.

      Maybe the track scripts export could be improved with the option to collapse the complete selection (as is in native vray proxy export)- and be left with one single material only- not with a proxy for each object and its corresponding material (which is a great option for its purpose, too- for sure!)

      Kind regards


  • #9746
    Posts: 259
    Threads: 1168
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Try the Project Manager – it can import the objects from file as Proxy with auto-attaching the objects and assigning the multimaterial.

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