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  • #32648
    Adrian Oostergetel
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 2
    Joined: Jun 2021

      There have been a number of cases where I am unable to apply textures or assets to what I need in the Max scene.  It would b useful if there was a right click menu option on all assets that simply copies the full path of the asset to the clipboard so that it can be manually applied quickly.

  • #32650
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      This option always presents from 1st version of Project Manager.

      Just use the CTRL+C or Copy item from the menu

  • #32658
    Adrian Oostergetel
    Posts: 2
    Threads: 2
    Joined: Jun 2021

      Fantastic…. I thought that was to copy the file, not to copy the path.  Thank you!

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