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  • #29142
    Michal Ziobro
    Posts: 21
    Threads: 40
    Joined: Mar 2015


      What do you think about sorting favorites by name option?

      I have one question about favorites as well. I imported fav from previous wersion of PM. Now some of them are missing – i see them but i cant sort or search using old descriptinon. Is it any way to auto clean database form favorites which are no longer exist?



  • #29145
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      Thanks for your idea.

      Currently, you can reorder favorite directories manually using the buttons CTRL+UP/CTRL+DOWN

      I’ll add an ability to reorder favorite directories by name and remove missing files from favorites to the wishlist.

  • #29146
    Michal Ziobro
    Posts: 21
    Threads: 40
    Joined: Mar 2015

      thank you

  • #29402
    Posts: 255
    Threads: 1107
    Joined: Aug 2009

      These features have been added to version 3.12.

      For removing missing files and directories press the “Optimize” button in the preferences dialog on the database tab.

      Optimize database

      For sorting Favorites alphabetically use the related settings on the tree settings panel.
      Sort Favorites alphabetically

      You can download the latest version from the dashboard.

      Auto-updater will be triggered in a few days if there’s no critical issue found.


  • #29413
    Michal Ziobro
    Posts: 21
    Threads: 40
    Joined: Mar 2015

      Tank you very much!

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