
Viewing 6 posts
  • #27454
    Gethin Hooper
    Posts: 11
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    Joined: Jun 2019

      Please put back the option to ‘open preview with’ in preferences as per V2. The asset preview window is slow and clunky -It’s a step back in terms of user experience I’m sad to say! Other than that great work!

  • #27461
    Posts: 255
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  • #31377
    Posts: 16
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      this does not work,
      to make it work I have to click on the “open With” icon and I want that once the application is selected, it always opens my image viewer when I press the space bar.

  • #31378
    Posts: 16
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      if this cannot be done, it can be implemented to move to the next thumbnail with the arrow keys or the mouse wheel.

  • #31383
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  • #31384
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      great, you could even create a keyboard shortcut for “view image whit associate aplication” so that both ways could exist.

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