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  • #35312
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Sep 2014


      I noticed that when I merge a model from Project Manager, the scene get automatically saved before the asset is merged.

      On heavy scenes that takes long to save this becomes unusable to merge dozens of assets.

      Is there a way to stop this from happening ?


      Thank you.

    Plugin version: 3.17.56
    3ds Max version: 2021
    Renderer: Vray 5

  • #35314
    Posts: 260
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    Joined: Aug 2009


      This is a problem with 3ds Max settings or start up max script. Try to increase the time for auto save backups or find and remove a script that to call auto saving a scene on merging.

  • #36493
    Posts: 260
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  • #36495
    Posts: 3
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    Joined: Sep 2014

      Yes  indeed. It took me a while to figure it out but that was it. Thanks.

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