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  • #9653
    Posts: 2
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    Joined: Jul 2012

      Hi all,


      I was hoping someone would be able to help me with saving textures in the Project Manager.


      I’m trying to save a texture which has with it UVW modifiers and a Displacement Mod.  The UVW Modifier correctly saves onto the texture, but the Displacement Mod seems to never be saved.  


      By this I mean, after I save the texture and the modifiers, then try to apply them onto a new object, the object correctly inherits UVW mods of the original texture, but does not inherit Displacement Mods.


      Any help will be much appreciated. :)



  • #9654
    Posts: 260
    Threads: 1174
    Joined: Aug 2009

      VrayDisplace modifier will be saved with material, only if this modifier will be used with material.

      Save VrayDisplace Modifier with Material

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