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  • #27180
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      Here are the filename of the max files and the images I want to auto-assign.

      CGAxis 001 – Plants 001_Render 01.jpg

      CGAxis 001 – Plants 001_Render 01wire.jpg

      CGAxis 001 – Plants 002_Corona.max

      CGAxis 001 – Plants 002_Render 01.jpg

      CGAxis 001 – Plants 002_Render 01wire.jpg

      CGAxis 001 – Plants 001_Corona.max

      Is it possible to add an option to the new feature for regular expressions or is my naming scheme possible with the current features?

      So a filter could be used such as (which has (?i) for turning off case sensitivity so that the filenames case doesn’t matter):


      As you can see the jpg and the max files both have the same final name so that PM could then match the same image files to the max files as in this example.


    Plugin version: 3.09.15
    3ds Max version: 2020

  • #27186
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      Switch to Fuzzy search and use the next text in the “Ignore”


  • #27187
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      I did try yours and one of mine which resulted in all the previews getting assigned to each max file

      My regexp:


      See attached the result (along with a suggestion for showing the number of preview if they exist)

  • #27188
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  • #27189
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      Please run this command in the Command Promt and send a file “myfiles.txt” to

      dir c:\path_to_models /s/b ->myfiles.txt

  • #27190
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      Done. What in regards the numbers of the previews. Is that something you’d consider?

  • #27195
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      Version 3.09.18 gains the ability to specify the level of similarity of filenames.

      In your case the ignore should be next: <regex:_corona|(_render\s\d*|wire)>

      And Difference should be set to “Similar“.

      Auto-assign preview to 3D Asset using Project Manager

      What in regards the numbers of the previews.

      I’ll add this to the feature list.

  • #27202
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      Thanks, that’s working but it has brought up a new issue for me.

      It is assigning the _wire images to the first image in the preview. How could I get it so that the _wire images get assigned last? The order is reversed as to what File explorer is showing.

      This is the order as shown in the file explorer.

  • #27206
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      Ok. Maybe I should add the new block like “Order rules” to the settings.

  • #27207
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      Yes, a-z and z-a and whatever you decide. Cheers.

  • #27377
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      Just wondering if you have added the sorting in the latest release? 3.10.10

      Thanks for adding the numbers for the previews.

  • #27706
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      This feature in development.

      Thanks for your idea!

  • #30198
    Posts: 255
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      Project Manager version 3.13.00 gains the ability to sort and exclude files from the Gallery

      These settings apply automatically on auto assigning. Also, you can apply these rules for selected items or to all items in the database.

      You can download this version from the dashboard.
      Auto-updater will be triggered in a few days if there’s no critical issue found.
      Thanks for your ideas!

      PS. Type words in quotes.


      Sorting&Exclusions for Asset Previews


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