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  • #40786
    Keith Lee
    Posts: 5
    Threads: 9
    Joined: Nov 2022


      A few issues here:

      1. I reported this already using the create support ticket command in this tool, but not sure it actually got thru.
      2. The Help menu in this tool does not work. It errors and says the system cannot find the file specified.
      3. When using this tool to change xref paths, it changed the viewport mode to wireframe in every max file it saved, as well as changed the File Explorer preview thumbnail to wireframe. This is most unwanted, and I found no way to turn that off. Using a post script sort of worked, but the thumbnail shown in the Windows File Open dialog still shows wireframe. Can it just not change the viewport mode? It really shouldn’t be altering the scene like that.

    Plugin version: 3.23.70
    3ds Max version: 2024 sp1
    Renderer: vray 6.20.-02

  • #40792
    Posts: 259
    Threads: 1156
    Joined: Aug 2009

      As a result of the tests, it was found that 3d max may crash if you do not switch to wireframe mode. And no modes of prohibiting the viewport update helped to solve it.
      I did these tests a long time ago. I will check if 3d max has become more stable, and if possible, will stop switching the viewport to wireframe mode.

  • #41325
    Keith Lee
    Posts: 5
    Threads: 9
    Joined: Nov 2022

      Confirmed this is fixed now.

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