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  • #4384
    Posts: 255
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    Joined: Aug 2009

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.21.57

      • Speeds up the relinking of asset files approximately in 7 times!
      • Adds support to 3ds Max 2019
      • Display progress bar when Copy and Relink assets
      • Adds an ability to rename Asset link + file on Hdd in more simple way – using menu-item or shortcut (SHIFT+F2)
      • Simplifying Deployment. New capability for installation plugin and creation the identification files in silent mode.
      • Fixes a minor issue with relinking background images
      • Fixes a bug with crashing the plugin in scenes which contains VRayOSLTex and VRayGLSLTex textureMaps
      • Fixes a potential issue with generating bug-reports.
      • Fixes some another minor issues.
      • Fixes some potential issues with compatibility with other 3ds Max plugins.
      • Fixes some another minor issues.

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.21.01

      • Now asset files refreshes automatically after changing link to xRefs
      • Speeds up resolve, strip and change the links to asset files
      • Now .ifl files are copied properly when user collect asset files or make an archive
      • Supports only to x64-bit system
      • Fixes a bug in FStorm Render when 3Ds Max crashed on trying to access Bitmap FStorm properties
      • Fixes a minor issue with renaming asset links
      • Fixes a minor issue with removing some links from scene ( menu-item “Remove Link From Scene” )
      • Fixes an issue with very slow relinking of materials in Corona 1.7
      • Fixes an issue with renaming external files with status #Found on HDD using the “Specify Asset Path” dialog
      • Fixes an issue with using a full and demo version of different Kstudio’s plugins at same time
      • Fixes a compatibility with plugins which use a old version of NLog library
      • Fixes a bug when in some situations window not drawn properly
      • Fixes the issue with opening VrMat files with #Found status
      • Fixes the bug with crashing the 3Ds Max when user try remove some links from scene
      • Fixes the rare bug what can occurs on closing the plugin
      • Fixes some minor issues for scenes with xRef files
      • Other some changes and speed improvements

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.20.11

      • Redesign the interface
      • Updates for Unique Asset Tracking System
      • Adds support to different screen dpi settings
      • Adds an ability to relink external links used in VRayVRmatMtl materials
      • Fixes the bug with crash of 3Ds max when Corona interactive rendering is active
      • Fixed a bug when working with Assets whose name begins with the symbol “$” ( Error message: “$directory not recognized”)
      • Fixes a bug with asset files when path contains invalid characters

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.12.11

      • Adds an ability for select items by typing them names on the keyboard.
      • Zoom to a map/material after placing it into the Slate Material (3ds Max 2014 and above).
      • Fixes a potential bug with tracking asset files in 3ds Max 2010.
      • Fixes an issue with tracking assets for files opened from the 3ds Max ‘Start-up Template’ dialog.
      • Fixed a bug with updating what occurs on some computers.
      • Fixed a minor issue with sorting items in the listview.
      • Fixed another bug with opening the ‘Folder Browser’ dialog what occurs on some computers.
      • Fixed an issue with showing thumbnails in the ‘Confirm replace’ dialog.
      • Fixed an issue with clearing items in listView after closing the ‘Preferences’ dialog.

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.12.00

      • Fixed a bug what occurs on some computers when opening the ‘Folder Browser’ dialog.
      • Fixed a bug in the ‘Confirm replace’ dialog.
      • Fixed some other issues.

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.11.00

      • Add support to Octane renderer version 2.XX
      • Fixed a bug in the Demo version when a customer try search the asset files.
      • Fixed issues with creating and relinking a Maxwell lights.
      • Adds support to relink the Indigo Mesh object.
      • Fixed a minor issue with updating.
      • Fixed a bug when open the “Customize” menu in version 3.10.17.
      • Fixed a bug with using the plugin with ‘Batch Render&Relink’, ‘Models Manager’ and ‘Materials Manager’.
      • Now the license key immediately updated and apply (when using the button ‘Move license’ from 3ds Max).
      • Fixed a bug when applying the license key from menu of the plugin.

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.10.11

      • Fixed the issue with keeping the settings of Target Lights after relinking the ies file.
      • Fixed a some minor issues with updating the plugin.
      • Fixes some minor interface issues.
      • Fixed a minor issue with relinking.

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.10.00

      • Adds the support to latest version of the Corona renderer
      • Adds the support to latest version of the Octane renderer
      • Adds support to Maxwell renderer
      • Fixed the some issues and bugs when the system use the text with size greater than 100%.
      • Fixed the issue with hiding the Vray VFB window
      • Fixed the bug with locking the 3ds max hotkeys after opening some menus.

      FilePathFinder Light v.3.00.00

      • New interface, based on PRO version of FilePathFinder
      • Adds support to Octane-renderer.
      • Display xRefs in tree mode.
      • Adds support to Substance Textures.

      FilePathFinder Light v2.4.38

      • Fixes issues with the cancel dialog in Max 2011 when collecting Asset Files
      • Fixes issues with cancelling the Collect Files operation
      • Fixed a bug with Vray SP5 and above where in the list of texture files were shown Render Output Files
      • Fixes the issues with collection the files without extensions

      FilePathFinder Light v2.4.30

      • Fixes some minor issues
      • Some changes to limitations of Demo-version

      FilepathFinder v2.3.65

      • Fixes a finding of textures and a select of objects on textures containing in objects.
      • Selection of objects is accelerated
      • Rename filename by F2-key (shortcut only)
      • Rename filepath + filename by ctrl+F2 (shortcut and menu)

      FilepathFinder v2.3.2

      • Adds Image Preview for bitmaps
      • Fixes Image preview
      • Fixes Resize “File Collector” rollout by height
      • Adds “Check up files with invalid paths” function for external scene files

      FilepathFinder v2.2.4

      • Adds “Duplicate compare” dialog for “Copy to” menuitem
      • Fix save/restore Selection files in Files-List

      FilepathFinder v2.2.0

      • Change multiply files in “Browse” menu
      • Open selected bitmaps in your editor (set-select for program in submenu)
      • Resize “File Collector” rollout by height

      FilepathFinder v2.1.0

      • Fixes an error when starting in Max 2008
      • Adds ‘Place to Material Editor’ function
      • Adds full refresh for external scene files by CTRL+Clicking on the ‘Refresh’ button

      Read about the Latest Version

      Related to "FilePathFinder Light Update History"

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